Sunday, January 19, 2014

(Journal The Reason) - Three avenues along which many bus lines and usually congested in peak hours

Independent Blog which drives the Argentine technological, agricultural and social development. Without investment there is no new technology, no technology, no development and without development, there is no defense. The developing countries have great advantages: making the technology available to do less, effort and sacrifice made by the developed countries who acted as pioneers of innovation.
(Journal The Reason) - Three avenues along which many bus lines and usually congested in peak hours. sea surface temperature data The tunnels, which will expedite travel times, are in the bidding process and will be inaugurated in 2015.
This year, motorists will have to take alternate sea surface temperature data routes and neighbors should get used to seeing many of the bakeries in Buenos Aires avenues. The city government plans to continue with the construction of underpasses, one of the pillars of Sustainable Mobility plan with the objective of expediting travel times, eliminate railway crossings and improve road safety. This month will start work in San Martin and Constituents (see separate article) and has already contracted the installation of four other tunnels: two in the Congress Avenue, one in Nazca and another in Balbin. Yes, all work will be ready for 2015. In December, the company Urban Freeways SA (AUSA) launched the bidding process to build two underpasses in Congress, with rail crossings Mitre (Mitre branches and Tigre). The first will run from Estomba Plaza and the streets will have two lanes and vertical clearance of 4.20 meters, which allow as much light traffic passing buses. sea surface temperature data The other tunnel will be a single lane to Del Libertador Avenue and have a height of 3.70 meters. For works in Balbin and Nazca, the call for public tender was launched a few days ago and the companies concerned may submit their offers sea surface temperature data in AUSA (Stones 1260, Capital) to 10 and 11 February, respectively. Both tunnels will have four lanes and two hand will have a height of 5.10 meters, which will also facilitate the movement of trucks and buses. They will be similar to Federico Lacroze sea surface temperature data Avenue sea surface temperature data in College, which opened late last year viaducts. "We will continue sea surface temperature data doing underpasses to better people travel and know how much to take, because there is nothing more frustrating to get out just in time and you grab a barrier," said Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri . He noted that the works will include improvements sea surface temperature data in public space, lighting and safety of neighborhoods.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Argentina. The views expressed sea surface temperature data in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion or position of Editor or its members.
By Cecilio Bartolome I present classification for analysis of the top ten combat rifles of all time, according to Mi ...
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A Weapons & Cinema A Project Pragmalia Autoblog Argentina Army Aviation Guide defense China China Railway Chronicle Today Mil Forum General Defense Forces of Global Security Rep. Arg Interdefensa sea surface temperature data New York Times Digital Journalist military power Ria Novosti Urgent Military Zone
- The power of a country can be measured by its scientific and technological capacity, economic capacity (debit or credit), its military capabilities (offensive and defensive) and the psychic-spiritual state of its inhabitants. - The Power 3P: Prudence, Proportionality and Perseverance.
- The new threats are terrorism, transnational organized crime, the global drug problem, corruption, money laundering, illegal arms trafficking and the connections between them; extreme poverty and social sea surface temperature data exclusion of broad sectors population, which also affect stability and democracy. Extreme sea surface temperature data poverty erodes social cohesion and undermines the security of states, natural disasters sea surface temperature data and human-induced, HIV / AIDS and other diseases (Malaria and Tuberculosis), sea surface temperature data other health risks and environmental degradation, the trafficking; attacks to cyber security, the possibility of injury sea surface temperature data in case of an accident or incident during the maritime transport of potentially hazardous materials, including petroleum and radioactive materials and toxic waste arising, and the possibility of access , possession and use of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery by terrorists. - There are presidents who cling to the past,

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