Saturday, May 31, 2014

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Friday, May 30, 2014

CTV News

Even devices on the spacecraft, the power of such a huge ship, cf general safety measures actually just cars "seat belt" made 4 fighters
Forced landing has already been assessed as dangerous in the planet "Earth", the survivors remaining generals Ricky and his son Kitai.
(Of course, what they are not directing, but from the perspective of an audience and say they think it might be better performance practices ...)
@ End of the KMT, the DPP said that the past is always the case, the CCP will inevitably force against Taiwan,
CTV News "Sunny advance Shanghai Commercial Bank Xue Ling: Only to the ceremony - YouTube
The station Category: Movie Review Personal Category: Critics on 心砚 article in this category: Roman Baths (Thermae Romae, Ester ro ma ma Oh, Oh) - apartment city study subjects in humorous episodes made 4 fighters of the classic - [心砚 critic] (20140406) Under this category Next: Banquet (White Vengeance, Banquet Legend) - suspicion, is the largest human fatal - [心砚 critic] (20140417) Previous: Anti-MAST student movement sunflowers Review and Reflection: This is blood or a professional orientation of it - [Newsletter Comment] (20140409) Next:? sunflowers student movement ended, Chen Ting: "If one day we become adults being confrontational, do not forget that 24 days" - go See the movie "Girlfriend Boyfriend" (GF * BF) "it - [Newsletter Comment] (20140411)
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Gu Ding tea (GOOD TEA) herbal tea shop who love Limbaugh - [punch Delicious] [Changhua] Yuanlin - typified, refreshing summer drinks are the best (20140530) China House Japanese Restaurant - [Fresh Hutchison] [Changhua] Yuanlin - material abundance of fine quality Japanese classic (20140528) [road CHI parenting - Shopping] Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow (pregnant with a pillow) - will sleep get up super good thing [ CHI Parenting road - Shopping] ohoh-mini Europe and Europe Mi Ni Zheng Jie electromagnetic Portofino cummerbund parents kneel to apologize, "hope made 4 fighters children sentenced to death, speedy trial and verdict also justice" - is severing and non - [Newsletter Comment] ( 20140528) supports the waste of the deceased, will constitute made 4 fighters the base on three does not respect human rights and freedoms made 4 fighters controversy - Chen Wei-ting support waste dead, does not mean that families of the victims had to follow up - [Newsletter Comment] (20140527) made 4 fighters COA chairman Chen Baoji: "dumplings expensive change to eat eggplant?" - original occasion eggplant food really is the Dragon made 4 fighters Boat Festival, really broaden their horizons - [Newsletter Comment] (20140527) Chen (ACO) small living day illustration exhibition in Yuanlin the right coffee house - love Shiba illustrator - [Sharing text] (20140524) [CHI parenting road -05] Confinement Center (postpartum nursing home) Visitors who log on after dancing bed (Queen of the Night, Queen of Night, 밤 의 여왕) - Mo suspect married, married Mo doubt - [Xin Yan critic] (20140525)
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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Her family

Her family's triplets in the boss, Elizabeth. Kübler lifetime in pursuit of self-significance. When she was to have a pediatrician, and someone else walked psychiatry, and later by chance into a "hospice" this section. She organized numerous seminars for health care professionals, clergy, let them face to face with dying patients. The book is faithfully recorded the: "(dying) had been desperate for life, that he was a patient of waste, has suddenly found himself a new role - teachers, hearts are very pleased although already facing the end of life. But they finally realize that their life is still the goal, they must adhere to live up to his last breath. "
The only goal in life is to grow. The most important life lesson ericsson mini link is to learn how to love and be loved unconditionally. Life, you have experienced untold suffering, done numerous nightmare. You put those suffering as God's ericsson mini link punishment, however, given the fact that it is God and your opportunities. It allows you to grow, and growth is the only goal in life. You should live to you frankly only the last breath. Life, you just do what you really love to do. You might very poor, perhaps hungry, maybe living in a broken house, but you will live a very practical, very happy. Went to the end of life's journey, you will appreciate your life, because you completed the reborn world mission. The hardest lesson to learn in life is selfless love. The process of dying is not terrible. ericsson mini link It may be the most wonderful experience of your life. Look at your life, how it was to live and be. As long as there is love, everything in life is bearable. The only thing the world is eternal "love."
Yes, Fu teacher know what's it!
2012/01/05, 10:15
Present and future life opened the first road ~
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Restrictions on metaphors thank Fuller presented another view: You can limit on metaphor, hype cess

Analysis of the concept of school (Conceptual Analysis) Yishilieer Xie Fuller hype cessna 182 (Israel Scheffler), 1923 was born in New York City. Xie Fuller contribution in the academic excellence, the University won Ha appointed Honorary Professor (Emeritus Professor). Contemporary American educational philosophy circles, Xie Fuller is recognized as one of the most protruding. He will analyze philosophy (analytic philosophy) to introduce educational philosophy, philosophy hype cessna 182 of education makes the study show an unprecedented fine and vitality. After his book "Education Language" (The Language of Education), published in 1960, the critically acclaimed, salty think philosophy of education set a new milestone.
(B) education slogan slogan education major education hype cessna 182 campaign to encourage ideas and attitudes of faith, can explain hype cessna 182 and encourage the overall spirit of the members hype cessna 182 of the assurances and encouragement. To grasp the slogan was educational context, if the reference scenario can not know the meaning of education hype cessna 182 slogan. And the slogan should be independently verified. "Slogan" In many ways there and "define" significantly different, the whole non-systematic hype cessna 182 education hype cessna 182 slogan, in a manner hype cessna 182 not strict, quite popular, without rigorous thinking they will be warmly, no doubt passed hype cessna 182 down. There is a similarity with the definition of the slogan must be noted is that, as in the past time, the band is the slogan for proponents and critics interpreted too literally look. Therefore, more and more like a slogan associated with the word meaning creed or argument, rather than encouraging signal. When this happens, we have to verify whether it is a slogan meaning of the proposition, or a signal is actually social activities, the two can not be confused.
Restrictions on metaphors thank Fuller presented another view: You can limit on metaphor, hype cessna 182 pointing out their similarities can not be made applicable to the Department. Each metaphor has this limitation, it is only to illustrate the theme of the side, but the other side needs to be supplemented. This restriction does not completely excluded as a reason for metaphor, if so, just as the scientific field, hype cessna 182 a new theory put forward, put his mouth on the original meaning of the overthrow of the same theory. In any case, comparing various alternative metaphor and metaphor and compare various alternatives compare various alternative theories, as pointed out in a variety of themes characteristics have inspiration. This comparison hype cessna 182 gives the theme of a new or unique, because we know from those who can see the different ways the face of things, we can see that many of the things hype cessna 182 so unique, and the difference.
Head sense Xie Yilan City Farm - celebrating Mother's Day 2014 Tour media literacy (literacy) (media literacy) hype cessna 182 Professor Zheng Chongchen business administration education: six said Seven little, eight to green buildings, smart buildings and smart green building Ilan With the tour (Sports Park, vanilla Fifi, Luo Dongwen chemical field) hype cessna 182 from the change (change from within) school education to promote the concept of career development and planning Ilan Wu Chakeng Scenic - 2014 Green Expo Keelung student dropout prevention counseling implementation meter Painting Department of Education - Junior High School implement carbon reduction aesthetic practices specific recommendations Taoyuan school leaders Lilliput theme parks - 2014 Yale Women and Children's Day Report (The Yale Report) differentiated instruction (Differentiated Instruction) Maokong Gondola in Taipei zoo - His first experience

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

* Pharmacy: Back Section. Which is not what the hydrophilic space tourism companies hydrophilic, ve

"Pharmacist" and "pharmacists" These two terms: space tourism companies the more common argument is that because this occupation is not the only pharmacist space tourism companies swap also includes pharmaceutical storage (each drug should be in the fridge right?), Bare ingot identification (take a unpackaged medicine for you to see, you know it?), Pharmaceutical Management (up to three a day to eat the medicine, space tourism companies so I run into 200 boxes a month just does not expire), and if there will be a drug store cosmetics stall Sale, etc., so "Pharmacist" shall be changed to "pharmacist." Of course, a little self-esteem issues, it seems only dispensing feeling weak. The legal definition of the term is to be very clear, and therefore to pharmacists pharmacists Law Act, but the direct space tourism companies translation from the English words, these two terms is simply not the difference, you ask a pharmacist or pharmacist can be, compared to Hong Kong like to call a pharmacist. Look throughout history renamed it:
"Pharmacist" space tourism companies and "pharmacists" These two terms: These are two different qualifications in the law are two different terms. Pharmacy students space tourism companies in 1993 before graduating space tourism companies vocational school of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, pharmacists are now various private or public universities graduate of the University of Science and Technology, both require a license. 1993 Vocational Pharmacy has been completely abolished in 1993 after no pharmacists licensure examination, only the pharmacist's space tourism companies license exam. So why hospitals still see pharmacists space tourism companies in dispensing? Because in order to maintain the interests of pharmacists have been working in February 1993 before entering the hospital pharmacists can continue to practice, after regulations changed for no reason that they can not walk, so still see them in the hospital for non-hospital community pharmacies or clinics now employ pharmacists also possible. The difference is the business aspect pharmacists dispensing narcotic drugs can not, nor supervising producer of drugs or drug-containing cosmetics permission. How the difference with the naked eye it two? Pharmacists and pharmacy students in the position to be wearing a Gang license brand name, then hang his pharmacist or pharmacy technician certificate on the wall, there will be written on Hello! The remaining details, see:
In addition to the National Taiwan University and other schools in order to test a certain part of the license would go to tutoring, as it must in the end part is not clear how much.
To start a senior clinical course of time, will begin to frequently used databases and reference books, such as pharmacotherapy, Micromedex, UpTodate, STAT! Ref, or the Department of Medicine of the Bible Harrison, Mandell, and so do the reports of these patients with direct Select the data interpretation and treatment strategies related called space tourism companies "clinical pharmacy." The reason why is because of Clinical Pharmacy difficult for many to holistic, patient's liver function, kidney function, the value of each test, the severity of each disease itself is also related to drug use (for example: a useful antibiotic for a patient often will ask us is not need such a high dose? these things is to find a variety of databases and reference space tourism companies books will be written) so many similar drugs, the patient appeared together space tourism companies for a variety of diseases which one to choose?
Patients with a Plendil and Pantoloc, but to ward guard found the time to teach the patient on NG (nasogastro tube), it is recommended that a doctor be how to modify? Nasogastric tube mill or patient medication should be liquid, because the so-called nasogastric tube is inserted to go from your nose through a tube into the stomach, on behalf of the patient can not swallow their own thing, or esophagus have any questions. Plendil is a long-acting capsules, Pantoloc is enteric-coated, which are not so do not use flour. That can not I do? Plendil is felodipine can be replaced space tourism companies with amlodipine (hypertension drug) = Norvasc, they are relatively similar drugs and no reflex tachycardia (that other species of Calcium Channel Blocker can you?) Pantoloc is PPI (stomach), or can be replaced takepron space tourism companies Nexium, although the mill but can not be dissolved in water first and then administered (how to dissolve it?) If the patient has DM (Diabetes) it? Have information space tourism companies that the renal protective effect verapamil, diltiazem than amlodipine in this category so the good Lord as a pharmacist in theory to know the name of the corresponding component of the product (trade name internship will see) this component of the role, and it is saying space tourism companies the same role What, how to use (eat, drink, and point the eye, rub the skin, injected, butt plugs). verapamil and diltiazem are nondihydropyridine class, amlodipine is dihydropyridine class are hypertension drug, verapamil have AV block faster heartbeat can be prevented, but amlodipine itself is long-acting, reflex tachycardia comparison is not so obvious, but also to avoid tachycardia . (Pharmacological speak of) Can mill Fengyun medicine? If not, that's space tourism companies why? If only because grinding releases the bitterness that patients with no difference in nasogastric (Clinical Therapeutics) Is there a better choice? (Reference books or other databases will be written) that use what I know, how much volume that you do, which is to eat a few of it? If it is a shot I need to play like a drip slowly into the vaccine or as directly as poked one second end? (Still the internship will know, the usual dose and route of administration) ask what NHI is this drug prescribed? (Some drugs can not be used in experiments done what health insurance will pay anything, but doctors are not covered by health insurance if so open, that time is on behalf of the National Health Insurance Bureau nuclear Hospital space tourism companies in vain to delete this drug, equal to lose money) locomotives Hospital superiors: That there is no cheaper medicine ah? (This is checked to know ... but definitely cheaper generics is certain)
So much how I remember it! ? I am sorry that we must remember. A professional pharmacists her memory is definitely very good, it is beyond doubt. So many voices say that pharmacists have no effect, in addition to the long-accumulated outside the physician's deification, space tourism companies mainly because long clinical pharmacy education does not focus on this part of the closest people in community pharmacies do not behave space tourism companies like a professional or no ability to behave like this professional, so you say pharmacists did not use, I will not object. Pharmacists in the hospital nor the opportunity to play such a professional or even play it will not be the consumer (patient) to see the current status of the reform process, although this is extremely slow, but imagine if you can put a good example of such professional training than for physicians in clinical treatment and patient care would be a great helper, pharmacists as part of the medical team, assisted by a doctor's prescription sophistication and accuracy, this is the real professional.
* Anatomy: look at gross anatomy, which is the human body. In fact, no scary, bad taste smell it. A very boring back division. Read in conjunction with physiological who have more then immediately feel rationale.
* Pharmacy: Back Section. Which is not what the hydrophilic space tourism companies hydrophilic, very soluble, very soluble, insoluble space tourism companies ... etc to define, 1 meter = 34.9 inches, 1 teaspoon = 5 mL principle in various dosage space tourism companies forms, the principles of the manufacturing process steps and the machines used to perform various When testing steps, such as a few rabbit space tourism companies pyrogen space tourism companies test use, how much would the representative body temperature to heat the original. In the experiment will study the lessons you may feel picky things, space tourism companies such as an ointment to do today, space tourism companies what can not be overheated heating or stirring to more quickly to produce a cream that. According to a company internship students relayed that some of the content is indeed pharmacy will be used in the pharmaceutical manufacturing space tourism companies process, Department of Chemistry, although many of them are really in control of the process of graduation.
Clinical Therapeutics: on NG addition to the above examples, there are many, many, such as the translation between analgesics (morphine eat to how to replace the fentanyl patch to change?) How to choose between similar drugs, a variety of diseases What is the drug of choice, as are antidepressants which will make you fat, bacterial pneumonia patients according to different use different antibiotics, particularly certain antibiotics side effects and can not be used, in theory, can be used, but some antibiotics resistance it is not prone to use, with between drug interactions space tourism companies between drugs or drug interactions with food can not eat together, space tourism companies the fear of pregnancy fetal malformations so some drugs can not eat, what is the point of the test values indicate so. Patients with poor kidney function or need to adjust the amount of this drug? Such as diabetes drug Metformin boys Scr1.5, girls Scr 1.4 The following is not recommended. Januvia space tourism companies typically 100mg QD, adjusted in accordance with renal 50mg, 25mg QD are possible. That how renal count? Usually read something here, but a very large and complex practice and practicing in the hospital there is a need to use the knowledge that this part of a theoretically very "professional" pharmacist This Section is also basic requirements.
Topics: Non-compulsory, find yourself a teacher tell him you want to go to his laboratory for experiments, and then use the empty hall and the time to finish writing his thesis, which is a publication, may be your own paper when the author, you may make the experiment is part of a teacher's project, it can be listed in one of the teachers co-author of the paper, use is: a little earlier about their road is suitable laboratory to decide in the end not to test institute, and There publicaiton then apply for foreign institute is a big plus. Topics typically one year or one semester, the lab does not want such a long life, then you can find a teacher in the summer for a two-month experiment, as summer intern, but also to experience a way of life lab.
1 Hospital: Please invariably visit Taiwan's major medical centers, the number of patients like to see, do the scene around the house next to a small clinic prevalence of automatic space tourism companies conversion work for pharmacists. In addition to dispensing work content, grasping prescription errors, inventory, also includes patient space tourism companies education, so the work is definitely space tourism companies not the only pharmacist dispensing it, the law requires pharmacists space tourism companies "swap" of action, nor is it only requires you to take down the drug from the shelf and then showed the patient only. Transplant patients after discharge to take anti-rejection drugs for life, had a stroke may have long-term eating anticoagulants, as well as patients with asthma inhaler to be used to teach patients to use these pharmacists are working, of course, more likely in large hospitals There consultation space tourism companies window of opportunity for health education have almost only large hospitals, special clinics will. In addition, the Medical Center Pharmacy partakers of different groups, patient groups, hospital groups, chemotherapy, total parenteral nutrition group, vary according to the different preparation, content is also a lot worse, such as diabetes, space tourism companies high blood pressure prescription many outpatient, inpatient group often exposed to antibiotics, chemotherapy course chemotherapy drugs ... and so on. Salary talk about the details of the case will be divided into many of the details, the structure of the hospital about basic salary + performance bonus + individual performance bonus + to + Professional Plus ... so as a hodgepodge of subsidies. 40,000-50,000 per month is the basic value, chances are the problem more or less, see individual performance to give, NTU collar month minimum, less than fifty thousand, but add up to more than the total year-end collar with other private doctors are worse than a few one thousand, fifty thousand, Taipei space tourism companies Veterans General Hospital said that the starting salary, but also recently listed sweat Hospital, Taipei Medical heard 40,007, plus overtime plus there is a fifty thousand, fifty thousand Yadong almost down. Each different characteristics, such as community health education focusing on Far Eastern Memorial Hospital and medication safety advocacy, NTU pharmacists should pay attention to every ordinary function of both clinical pharmacists. In large hospitals can rise Leader, space tourism companies up to the Pharmacy Department, adding to the more up there in charge, of course, this must be done only in the welfare of more than a decade, more than five or six years to do it for years to increase funding, but it is no small fill it, as clinical pharmacist, you can see this, simply, it is more complicated to care more serious patients, most of the terms of reference will be in the ICU, or that the special patients
For example, pediatric ICU, medical ICU, etc., clinical pharmacists not necessarily to be read as a graduate clinical pharmacy, hospital, clinical pharmacists are certain to see some of the ordinary, head pharmacist clinical knowledge seems really good, will come to ask you not to say When the clinical pharmacist. Opportunity to hone expertise in most major hospitals, clinics and small hospitals are definitely not there. Countless types of hospitalized patients, space tourism companies NTU will round once every few months space tourism companies for the unit, so this month at the clinic can be a pure dispensing robot, but to die next month, almost all of the hospitals are not the so-called specialist expertise, All you have to know things, regularly report and reading needs to be done, but other hospitals may not be the same training system. No overtime space tourism companies pay overtime when heard this kind of thing, such as National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University, regarded space tourism companies as the kind of pay more attention to professional training hospital in the same industry, regularly space tourism companies sent abroad outstanding trainee pharmacists, pharmacists have for new apprenticeship training and reporting, not afraid of hard do not love money, then National Taiwan space tourism companies University Hospital is also full of suggestions.
In a large hospital outpatient pharmacy, the process was "early in the morning to fill the shelves of drug start to see a doctor after attending will receive pharmacy prescription space tourism companies (or Irazu) number and pharmacy sent for review to see the number of pharmacists look right and prescription drug interactions or doubts to dispensing pharmacists to patients in the hands of the drug at the same time inform the matters requiring special attention. " Pharmacists will have responsibility for each point on the day assigned to specialized space tourism companies medication dispensing, assigned to review all day watching space tourism companies other people with the right medicine, and so on. Drugs from the Irazu and arrival into the hands of our patients may be less than ten minutes. As for hospital pharmacy or hospital said some specialized clinical group, there is the opportunity space tourism companies to see actual patient wards, the easiest place to play pharmacist functions also belong to this unit, but due to lack of manpower really clogging the patient and the hospital, so the chance to read more than enough cooked enough, then in fact there is no way in a short time very delicate handle nearly one hundred patients; ICU clinical pharmacist, not to mention the doctor to see the book they also have to look at things the doctor will they should be, for a very special dose should remember clearly, extremely unpopular off label use should be, because the doctor when making decisions really space tourism companies be asking your opinion.
Hospital disadvantages: In addition to dispensing usually have to bear the high school to prepare the report or risk management space tourism companies or grab a tube of prescription pharmaceutical performance bonuses or value error punch big night or face the locomotive or the patient space tourism companies is coping hospital processes require some very important things to remember (such as the back of the hospital purposes, the Institute recognized bare ingots, would like to know who is dispensing the drug before the project to confirm etc.), overtime may not have overtime, as is accountability. There problem is that all pharmacists will encounter: Professional unable to play, change

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Thor action after the end of The Avengers Loki returns with the captured lockheed corporation Asi J

I have to say this is probably the year's most anticipated movies. After watching lockheed corporation the Avengers really like on the inside corner to a very serious extent, so quite a while waiting for the collapse of this almost daily brushing frequently just want to first receive the message. I also successfully released movie brush seven days of recording, one week. In order to see the big screen is Rocky!!!!!!!! Why he was so mad to brush, please listen to me to, I will definitely understand the madness (not) Thor 2 Plot Avengers after that, As the wayward brother Loki so let Thor Loki back 阿斯嘉 after successively with each of the nine countries to protect the peace. When Xu Jiumei met Jane and Thor are still waiting to find her back on Earth Saul, Saul, however mistaken fluctuations appear before Jane found an incredible place, but be careful lockheed corporation not to let an unknown liquid lockheed corporation into the body . In Jane body will gradually be her life turned out to be many years ago liquid dark magic magic Recchi have enough soldiers engulfs nine countries become hazardous liquid dark world of Ethernet. Magic Recchi plan and raid completely destroyed the 阿斯嘉 half, even Odin also caught helpless situation, no way to face the demons Recchi attack, lockheed corporation Thor decided to find being held in prison in the Rocky story help ... Outline is. In fact, there are too many want to squeeze into it, but then I said. The following began to pinch, not seen, then please Shenru.
Thor action after the end of The Avengers Loki returns with the captured lockheed corporation Asi Jia; put Loki to Odin trial and to be forever locked in a dungeon punishment, Saul began to busy nine kingdom safety. Rocky could not bear to say the appearance lockheed corporation of being handcuffed ... really compelling miss screaming! Father and son conversation lockheed corporation is really heartbreaking ... Rocky phrase "that I do not hear you speak, but ... I do not want to hear." Why so!!!!!! Baba was said, "You will never be shut , and Saul, yes, he will be king. "Rocky start then no. Incidentally that sentence Odin said, "You would have died of ice ..." (slightly forgotten), here do not understand, then to go back to see the first episode of Thor, Loki's life experience to understand it from the other side understand this sentence. Just after treatment comrades planet, Thor and his comrades back to Asi Jia told Odin case, but it has also been said to Saul his father's identity so that the heart of the calm, meaning lockheed corporation women want war 士希芙 match, but Thor but still miss Jane on Earth; (?) while Jane is working with a new boyfriend dating, dating assistant told Jane Daisy deliberately destroy abnormal scientific apparatus. I have to say, Odin Baba is really good vision (ry) I like Sif sister!!!!!!! In this part I find very interesting is that Thor's comrades lockheed corporation Fandral, just after the planet for Saul said, "next time you want only the biggest direct hit," This sentence audience laughed wwww Fandral I also really like this angle, from the time the first episode after feeling quite like him, although apparently spent feel (???), but in this episode unexpected good, and a lot of his face. Shun behalf mention Fandral this episode and the first episode is different people played Fandral ~ no impression can go back to see the end of the first episode XD ~ Guardian nine countries, Asi Jia held a celebration; however not in the mood for Thor is the god of night to the light Heimdall asks Jane's whereabouts, but found Heimdall lockheed corporation Jane disappear on Earth. Meanwhile Jane and Daisy found a group of kids that feel incredible private factory has a very special power exists mistaken fluctuations scientific apparatus lockheed corporation shown is Thor, however, such as Jane turned around only to find themselves in the middle of nowhere, invasion of the body and is Ethernet. Daisy This is Me ah! And I also like Daisy this role. Found that a group of children thrown into the vacant place to put things disappear, Daisy had been shouting "I have to throw something Jane shoes for me!"; Watched Jane left, turned his head to the intern Ian, "Give me your shoes "God is too cute!!!!! Although she was the original role, but always felt the presence of this role is really cute. Incidentally, lockheed corporation this is also among the Eric Chaoui Steinberg appeared naked body was reported lockheed corporation to the TV, this part is also very interesting, with a description of humor is difficult to say, read on to understand. Jane said Heimdall heard on earth disappeared, lockheed corporation they came to Earth Thor, but found Jane who has an unknown force, so the two back 阿斯嘉 for examination on the body. Odin will not welcome Jane to the next people back to Earth, but the power of the body's Jane has appeared to resist, Odin learned Ethernet in vivo Jane, he told the two Ethernet lockheed corporation will take away the life of the host. Thor came to Earth the first to be hit two hand Jane, could not bear to say that there are enough loud sound. Why shun suggestions Avengers look, because it is slightly connected to the complex set of linked, Jane asks Saul, "I see you in the case of New York," lockheed corporation here refers to the battle re-linking Sol and other heroes. Odin This obviously does not like Jane can be seen in the movie, although lockheed corporation the reason for Saul, he was "not human longevity," but vaguely know that Odin is very favored for his wife Sif, Thor and the original investigation Odin more directly erase the memory of Jane let Thor with Sif married. Odin learned Ethernet in the body while Jane, had also awakened the sleeping lockheed corporation demons Recchi, let Alex Asi Jia invasion as a spy, while magic Recchi troops also attacked Asi Jia. Protect Jane Huang Houfulijia passing attack but suffered no magic hand of the Ethernet Recchi flee, but also let Odin helpless, faced with loss of control. In this dungeon will see Rocky in the case, although it seems he seemed very nice and comfortable, lockheed corporation but is it really so? This will really surprise people see in the movies. And why touch Huang Houfulijia disappears, which means Frigg was not in the dungeon, but with magic visit Rocky. Since Odin said before the punishment, "You never see Frigg." So Frigg images disappear is to use magic. But in saying this Rocky Odin "He's not my father." Moment when the eyes really lockheed corporation flowing a little reluctant to accept the feeling; Frigg asked, "that I am your mother?" This time let Rocky dumb for a few seconds before slowly said, "No, you are not ..." more eyes and tears began to feel a little surfaced. Rocky is still concerned about the life experience of this, I think he really lockheed corporation cares, even if the parents say it is not as he thought, but the real truth is quite concerned about his own people than Asi Jia. Jane's Frigg protect lockheed corporation Recchi is seen through the magic of magic, accidentally killed Alex, etc. Thor and Odin came when Frigg has gone in this soundtrack will make people cry, and saw Saul could not save the mother's feeling very sad period. Let alone in front of the hall of Odin sent Frigg to the souls of sadness, in the movie really will not help the tears began to fall ... I really like Fulijiama Ma QQ and Rocky are among the dungeon Frigg received message passing, seemingly simply angry, yet people feel pain. Ah, but also re-mention, Rocky and Frigg magic is the same. In the first episode mentioned comrades lockheed corporation Resol Rocky magician, in the form of magic, the Rocky is the mother of learning. Odin Recchi in the magic began to flee after losing theirs and no alternative but to commit lockheed corporation treason Thor and Jane away to find Loki help. From 阿斯嘉 palace, driving magic Recchi flying lockheed corporation boat, the driving Asi Jia spacecraft are planning a route from the Thor, Loki and then help to advance at a secret passage where the magic Recchi. Saul said to his comrades looking for Rocky to help, 佛勒斯泰格 is most reluctant to accept. But the only Rocky can do it only these, lockheed corporation we can only say that the identity of Loki also has existence. And this is very interesting, although uncontrolled see Odin really feel a part of the pain, the loss of beloved wife, too fast for human Asi Jia facing collapse. lockheed corporation Saul decided to take leave Asi Jia Zhen. When Rocky conversations and dialogue in the dungeon ... Rocky: "You finally lockheed corporation come to see me now laughing at me?" Thor: "Enough, Rocky not use magic.." Rocky: "...... You see me, brother. "dialogue brothers have been giving me pain soul ...! See Rocky appearance is pain! While many people speculated that it was only after passing the Rocky hear Frigg use magic to hide away his control; But I think it is Loki being locked from the outset has been to start the dungeon so, lost his father's love and expectations, it is punish ... So I was thinking watching the movie Rocky illusion lockheed corporation is when to start it? But really this should be the most exciting of the whole movie! Rocky after being released very ears like Thor chatter. Especially magical transfiguration section. Morris also called gram actor will appear (complex linking the hero) While pinching out quite funny, but still temporarily pinch, will find it very interesting to see the actual. And this is very much brotherly dialogue. Rocky favorite after being put out of Thor to Weapons: Rocky: "You at least give me my dagger weapon is good!!" Thor quiet to something ... Thor Loki: "I thought you liked tricks. "Damn!!!!!!!!!!!! playing the Rocky friends! Super cute! Thor dialogue among very Duoluo Ji guns, too cute! Thor's comrades are here Fandral handsome!!!!!! (Cottage and most people driving crash that Rocky Asi Jia flying boat to where the magic Recchi at the time "to" super sounds like soup !!!!!!!!!!! (crashes why the movie is so cute!!!! (runaway arrived at where the magic Recchi, the brothers began to stir in 阿斯嘉 flying boat. they began to quarrel lockheed corporation from mother The dead, but also to slightly reduce the original unpleasant between the two men, while Daisy found on Earth where Eric Chaoui Steinberg also thinking about the things that he seems to begin. during most the audience is excited brothers quarrel, but most enthusiasts who watched Thor Loki boiling is to help cover the clothes when Jane said, "If I have a B too good," he answered Saul hear it, "it will swallow you . "ah ah ah ah ah ah Rocky riot want to speak to your sister crazy fans do fight for the mother and two brothers:!!!!!! Saul:" Not just the son of Odin, do you think Only the mother love you wrong, my mother trust, and you have her ability "Rocky:?." Trust you let her die, "Thor:?!!" So what did you do in the dungeon. " Rocky: "Who lockheed corporation put me go in!" Thor: "You know very well!" (Rocky was about to overwhelm beaten lockheed corporation Thor: "... lockheed corporation she does not want us to fight again, I wish I could believe you. ... "Rocky: lockheed corporation Why do I see here is very emotional lockheed corporation but both excitement really hurt (Saul trio burst Recchi has found the magic" ......... I believe my anger (whisper "hateful.!!!!! lockheed corporation face the opposition, but faced with Rocky mutiny; magic Recchi successfully removed from the body of Jennifer Ethernet Shique do not know Thor Loki's plan and was attacked, but let Thor Ethernet protection lockheed corporation and there is no danger odds to protect Thor killed Rocky has suffered the death of the last I have to say, this is very shocking part. believe enthusiasts will probably see a completely mad!!!!! especially Rocky die part. Luo After the base was killed Alex, Saul immediately rushed around, picked up Loki Thor: "! Rocky No, you're too stupid, did not do as I say!" Rocky: "I know, I'm sorry, I Sorry ... "Thor:" I will say nothing to his father and thy glory ... "Loki:" ... I am not for him ... "and then slowly dimmed Rocky die!!!!!!!!! F ** k You!!!!!!!!!!!! see this moment I really cry!!!!!!! especially not for Rocky finished for Thor Odin also smile ah Ah!!!!!! Directed fans crazy girl you want to have!!!!!! (Rocky riots after the death of Jane and Thor together lockheed corporation to actually find space to hide in the caves of the earth connection of where they are to be so successfully returned to Earth to find that magic Recchi Eric Chaoui grid where to place the Earth After repeated transfer of space, and the devil will put an Ethernet Recchi originally released in nine countries, becoming dark world, the last Or is the end of Thor, but also from the dark magic soldiers disappear. Erik Chaoui grid sacrifice in this episode lockheed corporation is simply super, but also point to the audience laughed. partial transfer space is very interesting, I think many see this movie transfer is really very simple, Thor also subway audience who really made this hilarious. But I still do not understand the rules of the last transfer space, a simple appliance can exhibit space transfer which makes me feel good ... esoteric science so hard! In addition, lockheed corporation Thor's Quake, Miao Er Nier (Mjolnir) in this set is very busy ah XD really want to say but do not let it run around wwwwwww been unable to find the owner ah well, at this segment also has humor. Just find many people should not understand. Recchi is released when the magic Ethernet, nine countries to be connected lockheed corporation in a straight line, there seems to be half-way (before the re-linking occurs) government officials dispatched aircraft sent missiles to blow up the magic Recchi's flying boat, but suddenly out of control shout 'flight paths bias, "and then ran another missile followed a kingdom ... in fact, just after the pilot flew the planet. Then just before and after just a frown appeared to give the most close-Sol comrades, I saw over there instantly smiled. But other viewers did not seem amused, lockheed corporation why deliberately mention this fact, along with the two pilots could not bear to say that a missile to another country, then catch fire missiles to blow up the forest, and then the screen just shoot back, I could not help but help the Just OS, "What happened? why forests catch fire?" Only I think you wwww funny side after the director would not otherwise deliberately shot just look ah XD course eventually to a conclusion. Thor and Jane returned after the separation Asi Jia, said he did not want to Odin as king 阿斯嘉 most 后奥丁 will let him leave and return to Earth. Odin see the phrase "the king wanted a son too; another did not want to be king" has still feel very concerned about Loki, Odin or the child, if not natural, but it is also the son he thought. Rocky messages even death soldier did not say he would guess is Rocky. But then. The outcome is so, but the director was also a surprise to the audience again! lockheed corporation Rocky originally death revived! The dialogue with Thor Odin is actually Loki! When he did as he wished on Asi Jia king. While pinching out here, but really actually see, that sense of surprise will find it very interesting! So Odin it? In fact, this part and made it clear that there is no way to guess. Someone pass the final outcome, lockheed corporation there are two possibilities: * First, it may be rocky attack. * Second, again as with the first episode lockheed corporation may be sleeping. While abroad, lockheed corporation not hot soup seems to pass above the Odin sleep again. But I also accept this outcome, after all, although I think Rocky surface and action really seems so people hated teeth itch, but maybe Odin was once much read in to save his life, even the greatest of his father dependents. Odin while posing as soldiers tentative smile does not feel that is evil, or trick, but there included his father's expectations, while Loki shouted at Odin

Monday, May 26, 2014

2 ~ 400

(2) consumers (consumer) Shijun animals, herbivores and carnivores.
Cyclic phosphate (Phosphate cycle)
February 16, 1977, Woods Hole (Woods hole) Institute of Oceanography, deep-sea submarine Irwin Road (Alvin), in the Galapagos Islands (Galapagos Islands) 250 km northeast side, deep sea 2500 meters Galapagos Rift (Galapagos Rift) Department, which is the north-south digi tv satelit Pacific ridge (Mid-ocean ridge) through the place, geological exploration, the accidentally discovered a greener, ecosystem completely unknown. From 1977 to become a very important watershed, the impact on the ecological system and even the content of the textbooks, and therefore also rewritten. We only know that before 1977, large and small ecosystems on the planet, the only energy is energy. After 1977 only to find that the original does not have to completely digi tv satelit energy on Earth, but on other energy ecosystem.
As the hot springs rich in hydrogen sulphide material ejected (H 2 S) and minerals and is black, so the experts hydrothermal vent ecosystems, also known as "black smokers" (black smocker). Black chimney is mainly distributed in the global mid-ocean digi tv satelit ridges, has found more than 200. Pacific and Atlantic black chimneys, on the geological nature and animal species is somewhat different:
Bassoon insects, Pompeii worm, cotton Wei
1 red bassoon worm (Riftia pachyptila): Red bassoon digi tv satelit body length 2.5 meters wide and 4 cm, living in three-meter-long, white chitin (chitin) of rigid pipe, the head forming a red plume shall wrist. Crowds gathered near the hot springs, water survival digi tv satelit between 10 ~ 20 , the first year can grow to 85 cm, is now known to the fastest-growing invertebrates. Within two years of sexual maturity, dioecious, in vitro fertilization, the life of 2 to 5 years, no parasites digi tv satelit mouth, no digestive tract, no anus, a large body of symbiotic sulfur bacteria addicted, addicted sulfur bacteria account for about one-third digi tv satelit of the weight , is subject to the wrist phylum (Phylum digi tv satelit Pongonophora). Higher hemoglobin present in the red blood cells of animals, and composed mainly of four immunoglobulin; whereas heme has bassoon insects present in the extracellular digi tv satelit fluid, comprising two special digi tv satelit hemoglobin digi tv satelit (V1 & V2), but may be up to the heme 144 globulin components.
Bassoon insect head plumes shall wrist hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, digi tv satelit carbon dioxide from the seawater intake digi tv satelit into the body, responsible for transporting heme to addicted sulfur bacteria and sulfur bacteria addicted to transform these inorganic molecules into organic nutrients, bacteria digi tv satelit themselves supply and bassoon insects. Such use of geothermal energy in a process called synthetic organic nutrients digi tv satelit chemosynthesis (chemosynthesis), as distinct from the use of photosynthetic light energy (photosynthesis).
Because of the deep sea to collect specimens will not be easy, and therefore has not been found insect larvae bassoon, let alone how their larvae migrate up? But to understand how the larvae migrate is a very important issue, because most of the life of Hot Springs only 1 to 2 years at most only a few years, and hot springs are often spaced some distance between, so if you can understand how these animals from the hot springs A migration to another place, will be the focus of these hot springs and clear growth and decline, and also understand how the proliferation of insect populations bassoon, continuing critical offspring. Some hypothesis that the migration of these animals may be produced by bacteria thiophilic digi tv satelit chemical attraction, digi tv satelit considered by some scientists temperature, the newly generated blocks, black smoke chimney attraction, but none of these hypotheses has been confirmed.
2 Pompeii worm (Alvinella pompejana): 1980 Pacific ridge was discovered in a black chimney wall, the body length of 13 cm, are annelid polychaetes. It is now known to most resistant animals live in the same black chimney attached to the wall of the tube, the tube tip is exposed to the outside, the temperature is about 20 ~ 30 ; most people are surprised tail close to the black chimney, After measuring the temperature as high as 80 . Generally believed that protein denaturation temperature exceeds 60 began, digi tv satelit and the end of Pompeii worm at a high temperature of 80 still intact without injury, these animals temperature mechanism is still a mystery. Like Pompeii worm symbiotic bacteria, these bacteria grow in cilia Thiophilic outside, like a bacterial coat, Pompeii worm body as heme, but one thing is different insects and bassoon, bassoon worm his life perched on the hard chitin tube, Pompeii worm will leave irregular tubes wandering around in the water.
1984 in the Gulf of Mexico 3200 meters undersea digi tv satelit ecosystem inadvertently discovered another, then gradually find many place. Geothermal energy is not ground but an overflow methane (methane), methane hydrates (methane hydrate) or hydrogen digi tv satelit sulfide (H 2 S). Seawater temperature overflow with the same cold ambient seawater temperature, so called Lengshuikeng.
Lengshuikeng mainly found on the edge of the ocean plate, unlike gas oozing black chimney so violent and short, it is a steady and long-term eruption, and therefore its ecosystems, species do not need rapid growth, rapid sexual maturation. Like one of the Satsuma Haori insects (Lamellibrachia luymesi) lifetime is estimated to be 250 years, is one of the oldest known invertebrates.
December 4, 2000 Scientists Atlantis expedition ship, the use of deep-sea submarine in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 15 km west of the deep sea 800 meters, accidentally discovered an approximately 250 square digi tv satelit kilometers of highlands called Atlantis Tis Heights (Atlantis massif), this place is not part of the scope of mid-ocean ridges. On which stands about 30 meters high and 30 to 60 white rock columns, the highest for more than 60 meters, it looks rather like the Greco-Roman era building spectacular Stonehenge, somehow abandoned in the deep sea, they were called "Lost City" (The Lost City), the main pillars of the structure is therefore also known as carbonate chimneys carbonate (carbonate chimneys). Because of the energy ecosystem is releasing water can react with the role of peridotite, and therefore also called peridotite-driven ecosystem (Peridotite-hosted ecosystem).
Scientists found on the surface digi tv satelit of white carbonate chimneys, often attached biofilm layer stack of methane bacteria and addicted methanogens, these microbes exist in the lost city is relying on energy and hydrogen produced by hot springs, methane survive. These high biomass (high biomass) microorganisms, Archaea have also extremophiles bacteria. But the Lost City ecosystem also has low biomass of crustaceans (Crustaceans), gastropods (Gastropods), end-legged digi tv satelit animals (Amphipods) and hairy animal (Polycheates), digi tv satelit height more than less than one centimeter, and transparent or semitransparent present in carbonate chimney wall or chimney wall.
1 found time
2 ~ 400
Over 30,000 years
Dissolved oxygen is mainly provided by the deep cold polar waters, cold polar waters have a lot of dissolved oxygen, but also because of the cold seawater specific gravity and sinking, and then sink to the deep ocean conveyor belt through the (Great Ocean Conveyer) great ocean currents in the deep and shallow circulating oxygen, nutrients to the seas around the world.
Scientists believe that two hundred and fifty million years ago, it is because a large number of undersea methane hydrates dissolve released into the atmosphere as the greenhouse effect of methane is 25 times the capacity of carbon dioxide, resulting in a severe global digi tv satelit warming, polar sea can not sink, marine transport band shut down, resulting in 90 percent of marine life and 80% of terrestrial biological extinction, occurred between the Permian-Triassic formation digi tv satelit and evolution in the history of the worst mass extinction (mass extinction). Today worsening digi tv satelit global warming, the poles sinking into deep diminishing oxygen, we often noticed only polar bear on the ice after 50 years may be extinct messages, but please think about it, if that day because of the polar ocean conveyor belt reduced amount of oxygen shut down again, then the invisible creatures in the deep sea, will be faced with such a big catastrophe!
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)

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Section 1: Darwin

[Neuroscience] lutz bertling "hunger neurons," let your appetite Daihatsu | CASE PRESS
Two decades, Dikennisi worked at Beth Israel Medical Center (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) nerve endocrinologist Bulaifode. Lowell (Bradford Lowell) trying to unravel how hunger controlled by neurons in the brain and its impact on the path sketched out. Through experiments with rats, he found that the peptide agouti (Agouti peptide, AgRP) located in the hypothalamus lutz bertling neurons, because of the lack of body heat while active. These neurons stimulated either through natural or artificial stimulation will allow mice desperate for food, then eat again.
To solve the puzzle, the research team decided lutz bertling to use advanced technology, step by step, trying to clarify lutz bertling the neural response in the body after dieting and satiation. Technology they use, including a rabies loop analysis (rabies circuit mapping) and light-sensitive channel protein loop analysis (channelrhodopsin-assisted circuit lutz bertling mapping), these two technologies can individually view each neuron can help draw precise analysis. Lowell said: "With these technologies, we will be able to track individual synapses and axons in response concept sounds simple, but it is quite easy to step in the.."
When the results came out, a new animal model was born. Lowell said the next team to guess paraventricular nucleus inside the neurons and neuronal contact agouti peptide and inspired by: "We keep the brain of mice rich cre enzyme combination, then the analysis chamber next to each individual nucleus neurons, to understand their contact objects. "results show, will release thyroid stimulating hormone (thyrotropin-releasing hormone, TRH) and pituitary adenylate cyclase activating peptide (pituitary adenylate cylcase-activating lutz bertling polypeptide, PACAP) form of communication Network.
Finally, the research team then through a technology called DREADD (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated lutz bertling by Designer Drugs) will inject chemicals involved in communication between neurons to stimulate or inhibit the activity of neurons. Team found that mice have three square meals, after DREADD stimulus will continue foraging and eating and drinking. Instead, the period of hungry rats after neurons are inhibited food intake is very small. Lowell said that this peptide to stimulate neurons agouti way to trigger hunger is to examine the progress of the unprecedented: "In the past always think paraventricular nucleus function is to bring satisfaction, but the experiment proved that stimulate the nerves inside million but will increase hunger. "He also noted that the study showed that analysis of neuronal communication networks are critical technology, and more importantly, in-depth understanding of hunger-related mechanism, but also help people to diet therapy disorders and obesity.
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Canada lutz bertling geese MRI dynamic motion recognition algorithm zoology lutz bertling Animal Science Animal Behavior Animal Medical brain chemical compound chemical fossils fossil pigment chemistry experiment polar bear beautiful cruciferous anonymous Ten Thousand semiconductor lutz bertling Nightingale Austronesian Antarctic Treaty, South America, South Africa South African dwarf chameleon 博士卡 Cavendish printer lutz bertling eggs Aboriginal atomic bomb reactor anti-climate change La Niña subjects interests receptor oral paleontological heritage of ancient Greece Gus cocaine into Baida 101 NTU NTU cooperation Taipei Gay Yoshino Wu MSG taste the beer taste peace Copenhagen Copernicus philosophy single nucleotide polymorphisms (single-nucleotide polymorphisms monosaccharides unicellular organisms lutz bertling olfactory noise international issues of international politics Tutankhamun land topography of Saturn's rings Mediterranean landscapes of Earth & Environmental Engineering Earth Sciences Earth Sciences lutz bertling & Environment geography and geology seismic slope Polynesian lutz bertling city to locate genes gene sequencing genetic testing gene therapy gene converted genomic lutz bertling plasticizer dust from the case of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill pressure foreign news translation multicellular organisms Big Bang Brain E. Nightingale University elephants every day of the big bang barley rhubarb natural selection predators astronomy Astronomy Space Exploration lutz bertling Space disasters sun sun sunspot solar radiation solar gravitational singularity dementia unemployed women scientists paranoid attitude Nano Shrimp medium font Mendel pregnant mom treasure peacock seasonal ramp Wen Sun Luxi academic learning academic ethics review of academic research academic institution tuition academic twin primes cosmic cosmological constant expansion of the universe cosmology inflationary universe cosmology religious site-directed mutagenesis sequencer host parasitic insect family lutz bertling home education parasite password Cambrian writing experience pet column for a few violin Makoto Kobayashi Mice Euler Nicholas Tennyson An Deta people Curie Marie Curie Marie Curie working memory Industrial Design Engineering Engineering Technology 巴斯德巴西 market Higgs boson Higgs Schiphol Gus plane parallel lutz bertling universe fantasy dividing stem cells Geometrical lutz bertling Metrology Kantian constructivism teaching modeling architectural ruins string theory cited Zhang Yi star rainbow image Differential Geometry Calculus MAV microbial particles micro blog Microexpressions Collection Activities Essay Germany Mind Theory of Mind Psychology & Neuroscience, Psychology & Neuroscience, Psychology psychological comfort Psychological treatment of cardiac valvular history of ideas stellar selection of gender sexist dinosaur fear Sad Valentine's Day mood disorders comments Comments love love Einstein Edison sensory sensory memory of AIDS infection depression occasional slow song Knew Love love addiction I have experience! My dream Daisendaiwei math geek phone tonsils finger length plagiarism drought antioxidant antibiotic resistance in Latin America topology seminar exploring lutz bertling prey pollination explore exploration lecture lectures message control section 10 speakers Moore Photography radioactive political lutz bertling grip of political science textbook education policy The median number of scattered prose Dunhuang digital images digitized figures History Mathematics Mathematics Applied Mathematics Mathematical Modeling Mathematical models of cultural literary Renaissance New Media Journalism Review Press book optically active fault population genetics Day Week Day Week of Japan japonicum insects starburst Star Concerto astrological chart Star Wars Galaxies Star earthquake Newsletter Newsletter Comment Time

Sunday, May 25, 2014

PanSci Pan Taiwan Digital Science is Culture Association to promote scientific literacy and new med

About Author
From Malaysia, graduated from the Department of Life Sciences, su flanker National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan Bachelor-cum-Master, and the University of California, Davis (University of California at Davis) Genetics Ph.D., engaged in Drosophila genetics evolution. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia su flanker Sinica in Taiwan, engaged in bird evolution genetics, genomics and evolutionary developmental biology. In the past had long served Chinese science news website "TECVIEW" ( editor in chief, the incumbent Readmoo Blog] [GENE think the book Xuan columnist. Personal Blog: The Sky of Gene.
What Norwegian mass murderer think? You are surrounded by such a person? 2011/07/31 far away in northern su flanker Europe, has been Taiwanese and throughout the world as a paradise of Norway recently what happened, I think we [...]
PanSci Pan Taiwan Digital Science is Culture Association to promote scientific literacy and new media content program all content, including text, images, audio and video, are all original author, please contact the author or reproduced by PanSci ask on behalf of the editorial department. Legal Adviser: Ann international law firm

Polonium content in pitchblende is very low, but the chemical nature of polonium and other mineral

Madame Curie ancestral Poland, won the Nobel Prize twice a lifetime, not only from her outstanding scientific achievements, but also because she is living in Europe a hundred years ago a closed society of women; home cockpit 737 her great more from her ordinariness , as is the ordinary people's daughters, as a wife and mother, but at the same time as the prestigious outstanding scientists. In World War I, the war in Europe was filled by the Marie Curie design, commonly home cockpit 737 known as "Little Curie" radiation treatment center, and the use of radium radiation to treat cancer, "Curie therapy," during the war to save a total of More than 100 million people live, to bring great human being, and known as "a benefactor of mankind." home cockpit 737
In the end between Madame Curie and radium kind of a chance home cockpit 737 encounter, the achievements of the most important discoveries in the history of modern science, was from 1897, Madame Curie, Paris, France decided to pursue a doctorate at the Sorbonne (University of Paris-Sorbonne) said onwards. Due to the prevailing background French women get science doctorate yet, so be sure to select Madame Curie to provide a fruitful harvest and creative theme as a doctoral thesis, in order to successfully obtain a doctorate from the then male-dominated French scientific community.
To this end, Madame Curie access to a variety of experimental studies at the time, the French scientist Henri Becquerel (Antoine Henri Becquerel) a related uranium salts can also be the same as the X-ray radiation emitted unknown, enabling air and other gases research conductivity indulge endless, which is following the German Roentgen (Wilhelm Rontgen) discovered X-rays in 1895, to allow the scientific community to another surprising discovery. Madame Curie innate personality traits, home cockpit 737 including particularly good memory, concentrate on learning and thirst for knowledge, perseverance home cockpit 737 and rebellious; So what is the nature of radiation? Madame Curie is a way to make eyes light up research topic, it is in the middle of her stomach doctoral thesis. Madame Curie is estimated that this will be a big leap forward in the field of adventure and science.
1896, Madame home cockpit 737 Curie put their entire being into uranium salts studies, she is widely collecting home cockpit 737 and studying the various salts of uranium ore, she was attracted by the magic of uranium ore salt-rays, she will especially love dedicated to the This particular ore. In the study of uranium ore salt, she asked myself: There is no reason to be able to prove that the uranium chemical elements emit radiation only. Her guess there'll be other elements home cockpit 737 must also have the same energy, but it is not yet know it.
Madame Curie quickly gather a variety of metals and mineral samples from other professors and engineers at the school, according to the elements of Mendeleyev (Dmitri Mendeleev) the periodicity arranged individually determined, the results soon found another element thorium Compound (thorium), can also automatically send the same with uranium radiation, the intensity is also very close. Marie Curie recognized that this phenomenon is by no means surprising uranium unique characteristics, this wonderful home cockpit 737 thing must have a new name, so put this phenomenon Madame Curie named "Radioactive" (radioactivity), and substances such as uranium, thorium, etc. with this special home cockpit 737 "radiation" feature, called "radioactive" (radioelement).
Later, when Madame Curie in measuring the same school physicists Dima Kai (M. Demarcay) available to her and chalcocite pitchblende radioactivity was found with respect to the content of uranium and thorium minerals, radioactivity surprisingly strong. She boldly assume that contains uranium and thorium are also stronger than other kinds of radioactive material in these minerals, and she has been tested element was discovered, there is no presence of radioactive than uranium and thorium is also a strong element, that this mineral The new element was the presence of an unknown chemical element table does not have, and great strength of this new radioactive elements.
There is nothing more than allow scientists discovered a new element of excitement? 1898 Marie Curie scientist husband Pierre (Pierre Curie) home cockpit 737 for this new element, also interrupted his studies to help his wife hand. He originally thought it was just a temporary help his wife, the couple did not realize Curie work together hand in hand, unknown to the scientific strides in the field for up to eight years, until 1906, Mr. Ju Lai accident died so far. In extremely poor laboratory conditions, after a couple home cockpit 737 of long-term efforts Curie perseverance, in July 1898, they announced the discovery of a new element, home cockpit 737 which radioactive than pure uranium 400 times higher. To commemorate her ordeal stricken homeland Poland (P oland), was named the new element polonium (polonium).
Polonium content in pitchblende is very low, but the chemical nature of polonium and other mineral compounds are different, relatively easy to identify, but because the half-life of polonium elemental too short, only about 138 days, so the couple believes in asphalt Curie There is also a uranium content of more than the polonium and radioactive polonium is stronger than the existence of a new element. home cockpit 737 In December 1898, according to Curie couple large number of experimental results were announced, they found a second radioactive elements, radioactive elements in the new 900 times stronger than uranium, they put this new element named "radium" ( radium), mean-rays (radiation) of the giver.
Branch month filing home cockpit 737 cabinet in December 2014 (1) May 2014 (1) April 2014 (19) March 2014 (36) January 2014 (32) December 2013 (16) November 2013 (21) ten January 2013 (21) September 2013 (20) August 2013 (20) July 2013 (20) June 2013 (19) May 2013 (19) April 2013 (19) March 2013 (14) February 2013 (1) January 2013 (1) November 2012 (2) October 2012 (2) September 2012 (1) August 2012 (5) June 2012 (2) May 2012 (2) March 2012 ( 1) December 2011 (19) September 2011 (2) August 2011 (7) July 2011 (9) June 2011 (2) May 2011 (13) April 2011 (25) March 2011 (1 ) February 2011 (2) January 2011 (11) December 2010 (19) November 2010 (20) October 2010 (27) September 2010 (22) August 2010 (20) July 2010 (23 ) June 2010 (21) May 2010 (30) April 2010 (18) March 2010 (25) February 2010 (20) January 2010 (14) December 2009 (18) November 2009 (24 ) October 2009 (18) September 2009 (26) August 2009 (27) July 2009 (25) June 2009 (25) May 2009 (25) April 2009 (29) March 2009 (24) two 2009 (23) January 2009 (22) December 2008 (17) November 2008 (2) October 2008 (1) September 2008 (2) August 2008 (1) July 2008 (3) six 2008 (3) May 2008 (3) March 2008 (1) July 2007 (1) April 2007 (4) February 1990 (1) January 1990 (3) November 1989 (1) January 1989 (2) December 1979 (1) January 1970 (6)
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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Although many science fiction movies of the future hold a beautiful dream, but can not help but rev

By the dazzling visual effects, hot intense action scenes, "The Fifth Element" majestic style background games perang tembak music and a series of funny jokes constituted, is the fiftieth anniversary of the opening film at Cannes, the world's total box office enough to have 200 million 6392 million U.S. dollars, and won the Cannes Film Festival in Technology Award, said in the release that year can be quite beautiful. But at the same time, it also caused considerable discussion Distinct, one of which is too Hollywood, and Luc Besson does not seem to consciously imitate the American classic science fiction film, but the values of American heroism full of them, the law of justice over evil immortal, the created out of passion but a floating table like abuse, a bit weak in some humanities connotation.
Back in ancient Greece games perang tembak had "fifth element" concept, it is a matter philosopher Aristotle envisaged, called "Ether" (ether), which is eternal and perfect, which is why we One can not help but see Li Lu said: The reason "perfect" is. Luc Besson film cleverly integrated games perang tembak into the Western philosophy of science, and to let the audience to follow the plot, along with the brain agitation. Of course, "The Fifth Element" is an abstract concept, after all, the modern scientific community seems to have abandoned the "ether" theory, although games perang tembak they are still looking forward to "The Fifth Element", but such a complex thing, and I do not understand, So it was back to the movie itself!
But the dark forces of the Earth and Father agents Zhuoge it very interesting conversation, "you said life through the destruction of confusion, as only an empty cup, where it is calm boring, but if it is destroyed and You see these little things are busy, and they all have to use, you see a lovely colorful ballet Think manufacture of these robots make technicians games perang tembak and engineers to feed their families, games perang tembak after their children have grown up expecting another child sterile female reproduction down from generation to generation, for the entire life of the chain is doing great contribution. "Actually blurred destruction and creation, perpetual thing, often deter the progress of space, it is because human beings will die before order continue with the expansion of the meaning of life, all the way to continue to challenge themselves and get growth and transformation, so perfect is not necessarily beautiful. Of course same reason, love and hate are also established in the corresponding position is to have multiple games perang tembak human emotions, to experience the ups and downs of life, life seemed so colorful.
Although many science fiction movies of the future hold a beautiful dream, but can not help but reveal games perang tembak a trace of pessimism that is ingrained human evil always with the same dead end we went to go, such as "The Fifth Element" technological advances bring people inside games perang tembak the convenience of unlimited, but the airport a lot of rubbish piled up a mountain, games perang tembak a symbol of humanity seems to enjoy the convenience aside, is causing serious ecological crisis, and that the root cause of all evil, and evil, are causes of greed and sloth desire nature. In addition, the class contradictions of capitalism caused also followed games perang tembak growing, erosion of the rich people live life, but Cole is with this kind of taxi drivers, only hardship to live in slums.
Referred to "The Fifth Element", I think many people will think of the first time the blue female alien singing <The Diva Dance> (goddess of dance) now! This song is Italian opera composer Donizetti's games perang tembak masterpiece: "Rukia Lammermoor" in the famous passage, games perang tembak "Rukia madness" games perang tembak and works from Mozart's last opera "The Magic Flute" in No. 14 song night after the combination of the second aria "Der Hölle Rache" improvisational music section made by the Albanian soprano games perang tembak Inva Mulla Tchako concert, the first half of the intake Heart and poignant and moving, games perang tembak fast-paced second half, singing varied, there Many people just want to see this a wonderful show, just repeat games perang tembak to see this movie.
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Friday, May 23, 2014

44. I have a fiancé. *fiancé 來自於法語

十三、有關天氣 (About weather) : reality fighter
03. 你覺得日本怎麼樣 ?
1. 『 a holiday 』 :每個人都放假的日子,例如宗教、節慶或國定紀念日, 通常這些假日是法定假日 ,當美國人提及 the holidays/the holiday season reality fighter ,他們指的是包括 Christmas, 以及 New Year's Day 的這段假期,如 New Year holiday, a national holiday 。但一般不包括週末。
4. 『 reality fighter a leave 』 :亦可當假期,但 通常必須是自己申請的休假 。 如 ask for leave (請假) grant leave (准假) overstay one ’ s leave (超假) sick leave (病假) maternity leave (產假) annual leave (年假)。
The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) records: "the custom (in the 18th century prevalent in France and sometimes imitated in England) of going away from a reception, etc. without taking leave of the host or hostess. Hence, jocularly( reality fighter 詼諧 地 ), t o take French leave is to go away, or do anything, without permission or notice."
They usually go shopping during their lunch break.
They are used to going to a movie together. ( 他們習慣於一起去看電影 )
11. 我一點兒都不會說。
18. How long does it take (you) to commute?
I go to a vocational school . ( 我上 職業專科學校 。 reality fighter )
30. What's your major?
37. reality fighter 四口人。
44. I have a fiancé. *fiancé 來自於法語, fiancé 是“未婚夫”; fiancée 是“未婚妻”。兩者字尾不同,發音一樣。
Box 26 : Habit 、 Custom 、 Practice 、 Hobby 、 Pastime 、
2. Her hobbies reality fighter include swimming and gardening. reality fighter
54. What kind of movies do you like?
rabid fans: people who really like something are ‘rabid reality fighter fans’ of it  
63. 下次你想去哪兒 ?
70. 1 米 80 左右。
非正式用法 : a very hot day
▪ In the sultry weather of that week I longed for a real storm to break and clear the air.
74. It's a fine day today. reality fighter
81. It's hot 、 warm 、 cold 、 reality fighter chilly today.
The future looks rather gloomy, but we live in hope.
2. Chilly : noticeably cold 明顯的冷 ▪ a chilly morning
nippy 有一個相似的字, nip ,也是個很常用的英文字。
o    凝住;不動
We can go across the freeze river. 我們可以橫過這凍結了的大河。
但 sprinkle 也常被用來形容毛毛雨 , 常聽到的用法就是 , "It's drizzling." 或是 "It's sprinkling." reality fighter
圖 3. It's raining cats and dogs! 下了傾盆大雨!
                alright: okay or good                   feelin’ under the weather: sick
▼  2013 (52) ►  十月 (1) ►  七月 (16) ▼  六月 (5) 英文慣用語30句第二集(English Idioms Episode II) 7-1-2013 英文慣用語30句 第一集(English Idioms Episode I) 第一單元:問候(Greeting) Part II (6-29-2013) 英語會話第一單元:問候(Greeting) Part I (6-28-2013) 10項有關顏色的英文習慣用語(Idioms)或諺語(Proverbs)的答案 ►  四月 (4) ►  三月 (15) ►  二月 (6) ►  一月 (5) ►  2012 (40) ►  十二月 (22) ►  十一月 (18)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

What is the presence of

What exists in this world? The world is run rule it? This is certainly the core issues of scientific inquiry! The world-renowned graphic artist, has been called "the illusion maestro," Ai snow "of the 20th century science and art of exquisite conspiracy", the brilliant use of marvelous art prints conduct problem-solving and get to the bottom, to bring people not only scientific wetzel s pretzels nutrition knowledge growth, but also rich scientific mind moving. It was argued that Ai's work is infinite combination of snow mathematical logic and graphic arts, and space is the psychological perspective fun game puzzle; interpretation of the outside world, Ai snow has puzzled and said: "For me, these works in the end math? or art? remains a doubt. "
Moritz. Kenai Aires. Ai Snow (Maurits Cornelis Escher) is a city in the Netherlands Wadden Leo, was born June 17, 1898. High school wetzel s pretzels nutrition art class by the Vatican was Hagen (FW Van der Haagen) teaches printmaking laid him in terms of skill. 21 years old Art Deco building into Haer Lun College Reading for three years, been a teacher at the school beauty 斯基塔 woodcut technical training, intense style of the teacher, and later a great influence on the creation of Al. Ai Snow said: "If we want to construct a universe, can not let him be vague abstraction, wetzel s pretzels nutrition but must be able to identify the specific image." This is undoubtedly a scientific or technological wetzel s pretzels nutrition spirit of the "prototype." His signature style is based on the configuration of the limited flat space thinking comes, such as "rule division plane", and thus evolved "sliding reflection", "conversion", "axis of division" principle, as well as was divided into three-dimensional plane of the rules, even to the more complex the rules circular dividing plane. Because of his works are revealing the content of the law but full of abstraction, wetzel s pretzels nutrition often so many mathematicians Ai snow prints, and mathematics or geometry given the link ...... 2011 Brazil Rio "Ai magical world of snow," become world's most popular exhibit, the average daily number of visitors to 9,677 people, and people who are interested in the recent curatorial groups and arrangements to the National Palace Museum in Taipei namesake theme "Ai snow magical world" exhibition, the original is a gorgeous sumptuous feast of art, knowing the meaning and content of creative background, better get a 'new breed of Arts and Sciences' assent!
Ai's work to watch people to thoughts of snow surging, Lenovo's dimensions and dimension styles as they will no strong camel broad, like exhibition concept that day, I could not help thinking: If the students expressed strong interest in science and engineering wetzel s pretzels nutrition and painting preferences, then the community , schools, parents and students will follow today Hande how loud the sky Ga-called "adaptive Yang was" wetzel s pretzels nutrition criteria to be cultivated? From "Science and Technology-based, supplemented by painting" (or vice versa) to be positioned, or "pragmatic" choice "to" Polytechnic for the industry, drawing for fun "(or wetzel s pretzels nutrition vice versa) engaged in counseling, or helpless and abandoned painting from the last Management "(or vice versa)? Always felt that the current "epidemic" of "adaptive Yang was" among "sex (sexual orientation?)" Refers to the many components of either a personal one-sided 'likes and dislikes wetzel s pretzels nutrition preference ", or just an evaluative, may hawk economic skills (in the future be able to find a good treatment of the social market a little work), and nothing, not even the world of truth and goodness is independent from real life, and human life, "nature" is very far away, to explore the core idea, it is still the people and their development of "categories" of "efficient manufacturing concept"! ?
Ai let the world amazing snow and unable to meet their own these works, as he as scientists explore the world and understand the limits and the basic rules of the world of all things. wetzel s pretzels nutrition Thus, he created a school of new areas of research, called "evolutionary split" (evolutionary tiling), an ever changing way split, and this change is the only constant factor in itself. Euclid in the "Geometry" book Proof: In three dimensions, wetzel s pretzels nutrition the only five regular polyhedra can be stacked without gaps to fill the entire space, officially called "Platonic solids" (Platonic solids) (tetrahedron, regular hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron). But we know the world is not a Platonic wetzel s pretzels nutrition solids, which is why Ai snow often use non-Euclidean geometry. "Non-Euclidean geometry wetzel s pretzels nutrition of the world presents a wealth of possibilities, and therefore the focus of research mathematicians, but in the real world, we know it through the limited senses, try to improve the two-dimensional plane can produce new insights."
Recently wetzel s pretzels nutrition read what Victor Papanek "Design for the Real World," Jay Hallman "Flying Hornet faster than the Boeing 747," Neil Postman's "past to the future" theme different, but it happened to all of modern civilization since the industrial revolution in science and technology combined with twisted Professional (categories) that appear in scientific development, bias, omissions and even made a resounding wetzel s pretzels nutrition critique of the absurd, it should also to some extent echoes the Pope for Kuhn Thought for the mainstream scientific philosophy which winner takes all allegations of severe type of "historicism", the re-examination can not help but think of all: that exist today, handed down (to) (even through the so-called paradigm shift), wetzel s pretzels nutrition winning the competition scientific and technological civilization patterns, such as leadership and dominate college academic, peer reviewed scientific journals total points system, business development, wetzel s pretzels nutrition team competitive research programs, research tilt Business ..., these institutions and form of "winner-take." whether the state is better on better? In the evolution of civilization, we are not detractors have lost some missing some really nice people really excellent science, and things? If the answer is yes, in addition to re-questioned since the Enlightenment era of technological optimists held by some "progressive", but we should embrace possibilities for the future of civilization more input and hope?
2013, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University Professor Xu Zhinong wetzel s pretzels nutrition his team to "math game, math games" to get grants NSC Science Education Development Department, cut the work of Ai snow track-type composition mystery , the geometric regularity deconstruction of art bears out. "Ai Xuesheng live prosperous period in the twentieth-century art, but he does not belong to any school of painting, he is snow Ai Ai snow is not only renowned in the art world, and the impact wetzel s pretzels nutrition on contemporary mathematics, science, psychology, and science fiction, literary Montage Art and Design, he left full of ingenuity works, the community still fascinated. wetzel s pretzels nutrition "Besides, look Ai magical world of snow, you will find one of caring for humanity and society, as well as for long-Ai snow interest in different scientific issues, such as the study of irregularities in his body inlaid with their insights, and even contributed to "Crystallography" sophistication of this emerging discipline, while in the other plane split works, "then through images background manipulation wetzel s pretzels nutrition and transformation, or unlimited way forward, trying to create an unlimited rule. "
"Things can not exist" series to watch Ai snow vigorously inked, such as "up and down the ladder" (used in the mathematical community input on the famous Penrose (R. Penrose) ladder), "taking wetzel s pretzels nutrition waterfalls", it is sent and the provincial thinking. "By utilizing the human brain's weaknesses and distortions of perspective, Yi Xuecheng power to make us believe that we have seen all kinds of impossible things, this" scam "is so convincing, because our brains are forced to turn attention paintings of different details, any detail in these works are likely to occur and logical, but the overall combination of all the details but it is unlikely to happen (such as perpetual motion). "This achievement and dimension, nothing serious declaration also remind wetzel s pretzels nutrition the world, even if "the evidence speak, seeing is believing, full of information," the correct way and precise view the overall conclusions still can not completely rule out the absurdity!
What is the presence of "this world? World is the law run it? Ai snow, although wetzel s pretzels nutrition not provide clear answers for these questions, but he succeeded in pondering wetzel s pretzels nutrition the problem, both in the arts or sciences have been significant achievements. Ai snow through paintings repeated observation of nature to explore how humans understand the nature and operation of the law of nature or even to predict. "The Palace Museum" Ai snow magical world "exhibition, brought to appreciate the three six-year-old children, with the help of voice navigation equipment lower than expected to carefully and patiently watch and listen to the focus of hundreds of pieces of work, not when the AC tasting wetzel s pretzels nutrition experience, which I think serious, esoteric "things", they actually show favorably appreciation of the mood and taste Although they might cause "partial derivation overall conclusion of absurdity," but I'm still on the full integration of the new civilization of art and science is full of expectation and hope!
Smell! You're a boy or a girl? 2014/05/13 humans can "hear" what men male pheromones dienone (Androstadienone, below [...]
PanSci Pan Taiwan Digital Science is Culture Association to promote scientific literacy and new media content program wetzel s pretzels nutrition all content, including text, images, audio and video, are all original author, please contact the author or reproduced by PanSci ask on behalf of the editorial department. Legal Adviser: Ann international law firm