Saturday, March 14, 2015

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Chen Chen Shui-bian in power since the period opened a military base regularly organizes various open events will be arranged after the opening of each annual military base, which also military music fans. But, in recent years show that more streamlined feel, think, open base such activities in foreign countries anik f3 are absolutely anik f3 very important, so very exciting activities. In Taiwan, if you hold such an event just to cross something wrong, then I suggest simply do not do, and the military and save time, people will not be disappointed more than expected. After complain, returned to the theme! This year's Dragon Army Air Corps base open, in fact, is very appealing to me, because originally the Imperial Army base Longtan Longtan flight games, the postwar military is received, and the previous open (December 8, 2007) because the body has to be public, can not go, the result to wait two and a half, since you have a chance anik f3 to come visit. anik f3
The following figure: AH-1W excellent performance, but also for the Taiwan Army adds considerable combat power to the explosion of hot beautiful sunset | Blog Home | 2010 年 Hualien base open Record ...
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