Friday, May 15, 2015

If they had assured the results of the referendum on the EU long it would be, like a real bride and

He said that President Tomislav Nikolic familiar with everything from Serbia asking for the path to the European Union and added that he does not hide what people are talking with the EU and that the "Kosovo issue yet."
Next: Europe forges "made technika manuals in Serbia"
God dumbbell flies and flies to talk with the Nazis on EU.AKosovo who is ..! Gad has promised and that's the price of bringing the vlast.MRTVI woke up from the grave to accompany him SENE yours and you do not sleep CALM ĐUBRE
On what this referendum Serbian people pleaded wants to be a member evrobske Union.? When was made utopian Yugoslav Union Serbian people nobody asked anything, and after people fucked even today no one asks people whether they want to become a regular evroBski edge. Serbs you a few million a cub and others that you are pushing the EU slavery minorities are few non-humans, do not be guilty tomorrow we včić and Janko and Marko will be to blame Serbs in the majority of the several million who have allowed you a pair of mercenaries which pushes him is pushed, I do not know maybe you prefer to be slaves of sado-masochistic when you are unable technika manuals to manage technika manuals themselves, or to seek their democratic right to decide what is called a referendum. What is there is no one that organizes the niece outsiders who oktombri fifth, organize technika manuals yourself if you are not cowards and pi.ketine, if so let Kara and cub and similar Little Wolf and all the invaders and Serbia shall take someone who will respect, protect and defend, because Serbia was not fit to live in it cowards and bastards. Get up srbine neustao ever if we do not stand up and do not stop doom themselves and their homeland, which gives it water and bread and food ..
If they had assured the results of the referendum on the EU long it would be, like a real bride and stupid, technika manuals as it implied. A refenduma at the end - if it ever is the end - it has to be, then that will change the song and will be - so right now to give up so many years and only just want it and so did we adapt ...
He said that President Tomislav Nikolic familiar with everything from Serbia asking for the path to the European technika manuals Union and added that he does not hide what people are talking with the EU and that the "Kosovo issue yet." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "We both know what their tasks. To advance technika manuals received by the killer of our people in May 2008.
The pack used to serve everyone, hence the name of the pack servijanci who is not able to distinguish right from wrong, and always ready for noise and fist. And when among themselves elect a mayor who will guide them through and through ravines, and the torrent of Scurry, choose to ludjeg and go when fly without a head. Then a stroll, or his grandmother advised juice therapy, technika manuals so take that counsel him madder than ever and waiting for progress and boljetka. Ama bre morrow, organize trips to the world and ask what there is to culture, work, responsibility and see how people live there, and then choose a mayor, even with a cudgel, but she could not go.
Thomas's technika manuals younger son was happily settling in Dedinje! May 15, 2015.
Albanians will start a war and then disappear: Prediction Jugoslav Petrusic started to realize (Video) lost four atomic bombs that were never found in the occupied territories there is a project of the Greater Albania dangerous Latest News EU residents last week lost all civil rights!

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