Tuesday, September 24, 2013

With great pleasure, aerospace nyc I then have a coffee, aerospace nyc al shiver, standards, like m

I was there in January 1970, the avenue there Bulnes, Santiago de Chile, aerospace nyc there in the crowd at the rally Unidad Popular, when Senator Salvador Allende of the Socialist Party, was declared the candidate of the left. On stage, the background huge white panel on which thirty artists painted there, on time, collectively a colorful mural. Only two speakers: Pablo Neruda, the Communist aerospace nyc Party, soon resigned his speech pre-application and then Allende who spoke now as a candidate. The rest was party.
With some Brazilian exiles, including Euclid titiriteiro Souza, Dada, who now lives in Curitiba and journalist Tarcisio Lage turned Dutch, aerospace nyc I was there, me and my 22 years. Chant with the crowd: If siente if siente, President Allende! We heard the slogans: Jota, Jota, Ce Ce: Young Communists of Chile! Children sang in minstrel: Pica el ajo, pica el aji, sale Allende, of course sí! Singers and musical groups cheered the party: Isabel and Ángel Parra, Victor Jara, Quilapayún, Intillimani and other less known.
Bulnes Avenue teemed as a human anthill, the Alameda Park until Almagro, with people hanging in the branches of trees to better see the podium. Banners, posters, banners. aerospace nyc People in small wheels, underwear and danced Refalosa, gracefully spinning and twirling a handkerchief in his hand. Sang and celebrated the dream of building a country without injustice, without poverty, without exploitation. The Chileans were enamored of life. Harbored hopes. Overflowing joy. Santiago was a party. Brazilian exiles were drunk with civility (and good Chilean wine).
The campaign lasted for eight months. I accompanied her part of a privileged place beside the poet Thiago de Mello, who until the military coup of 1964 was Brazil's cultural attaché in Chile, where he wrote the Statute of man and won the friendship of Chilean intellectuals and artists, among them Neruda, Violeta Parra, Allende, the painter Nemesio Antunez - director of the National Museum of Fine Arts, Isidora Aguirre - playwright and author of La Pergola de las flores, actress aerospace nyc Inés Moreno and many other intellectuals.
The Chilean solidarity, aerospace nyc Thiago welcomed fondly in his exile. Isabel, a daughter of Allende - today Sen. Atacama - who was on vacation in Valparaiso, Santiago gave up her apartment in a tower in the neighborhood La Providencia to Thiago and Lurdinha I had espoused. That summer, I lived with them two months. On Sunday afternoon, I think in February, rings the bell. I open the door and take a fright: before me, in the flesh, Salvador Allende, accompanied by Inés Moreno.
I there, standing in front of them, on the doorstep. Allende - "El pije" - elegant bearing, dressed in their traditional white guayabera linen, long sleeve, with discreet embroidery on the four pockets. aerospace nyc Inés Moreno, actress and poet, was already known me since resided in the same building on another floor, and attended the soirees house Thiago. She was a beautiful woman, thin and spindly, looking aerospace nyc forty-somethings. Thiago came to visit. Informed that the poet had gone to spend the weekend in Viña del Mar. I was alone. And so amazed, did not know how to act.
Allende standing at the door, and I stalled before him, blocking his path. It was while with fine humor, asked if he could enter the house of his daughter. Was in full campaign and had decided to take a break this afternoon. aerospace nyc Entered. We talked about politics, Chile, Brazil, literature, music and amenities. He knew the bossa nova and João Gilberto liked. During the conversation, with a touch of irony, aerospace nyc asked:
With great pleasure, aerospace nyc I then have a coffee, aerospace nyc al shiver, standards, like my mother taught me: throwing dust into the boiling water immediately aerospace nyc to percolate through a filter paper in the absence of cloth strainer. We had coffee three, I was there, almost-pervading nosy a piece of history, hitching a ride in that singular moment, eyes wide open, seizing everything and giving gracias a la vida by have given me so much.
Inés recited something playing guitar, maybe a poem taken from his book Mi en tu mano mano, which I can not remember. I knew his talent declaimer, his velvety voice. The first time I heard it, a dinner hosted by Thiago, both prayed together, alternating voices, The Gypsy Ballads of Garcia Lorca. A spectacle! In that room, it was all Andalusia. Broke the two rivers of Granada that "bajan aerospace nyc la nieve al wheat," the Guadalquivir "con sus beards granates" girls targeting aerospace nyc the moon, the Gypsies, aerospace nyc the gendarmerie, the prawns with "black covers aerospace nyc ceñidas sus" and even cadaver

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