Friday, February 28, 2014

Information about the journal placement price 200 tokens Social Capital 438 friends with 4368 Durat

Photography 1956 Lisa Larsen But now all markets massively closed. In Moscow soon markets will remain. And that's too bad. Loches and stuff like that do not offer to replace - it is different, very different. Explanation "there children mountains trade" is not accepted. Then it is necessary to prohibit and taxis (taxi-Shaheed, yeah), and taxis (however, they are selected) and, incidentally, the same Losha too. Around the world they are. Central squares while. Decades, centuries. But we, of course, your way ... I closed the market. Two months of good farm cheese and sour cream can not see. It is a pity that such stupidity is booming ...
Information about the journal placement price 200 tokens Social Capital 438 friends with 4368 Duration 24 hours minimum bet 200 chips View all offers by Promo Rozhdestvenka, p.1 dedushkin1 a long time I wanted lockheed federal to write about Rozhdestvenke. A lot of material, so break it into three parts. Rozhdestvenka - a quiet street in the center of Moscow. Neglinny top ....
December 19, 2013 18:29 (UTC)
Haggle like?
December 19, 2013 18:51 (UTC)
December 19, 2013 19:16 (UTC)
know how many markets in recent years, MSK - they all traded goods is not a farmer, and with bases. And unsanitary lockheed federal diluted - insane, and deception involved - massively. He was engaged in control - seen. Not to mention the fact that the dealers just were not allowed local farmers lockheed federal to trade - hence the crazy rise in market prices from falling quality. No regrets about closing these "markets". As for the markets, with Soviet power - there was trading in a market, although even then there were black merchants and dictates lockheed federal certain dealers. Trade had in the late '80s - watched from inside.
Well, look here, we have the market consisted of three parts. Containers lockheed federal in depth. Dirt, delay, an abomination. Close uniquely. Glove at the entrance. No. Closed lockheed federal and locked. And in the center is clean, nice, newly rebuilt anew. Earlier would say kolkhoz. Yes, the dealers were, of course, where without them. But many farmers. Cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, pickles, mushrooms in autumn. Fish in a good range. Fruits and vegetables - that's understandable. Just fruits lockheed federal and vegetables mainly lockheed federal resellers. That's why the market lockheed federal was demolished??!
(No subject) - toptigki - December 20, 2013 06:49 (UTC) - Expand
We were going to close the market in July. Locals gathered signatures, staged a rally at the reception. Closure not only moved in October lockheed federal (after the election on ... hehe), but as would be canceled and converted into a "transfer" - that is, moved from the open space under the roof on the planar useless parking TPU. All our merchants from whom we buy years vegetables and meat (and do not complain, normal) survived. But if people started to protest so, would probably have just covered market and all ...
(No subject) lockheed federal - dedushkin1 - December 20, 2013 05:42 (UTC) - Expand
"Loches"! very funny. first hear. remembered. we have organized the fair - "Weekend." okay. Prices, of course, not a fountain, but only normal curd there and bought. yet all different tea-delicious lot. and now all covered by the Tretyakov Gallery, and then remained Glade in heavily abridged version. but now we have a lot bomzhelavochek. lockheed federal sit not dry out.
(No subject) - dedushkin1 - December 22, 2013 03:59 (UTC) - Expand
Read all comments. What can I say? Apparently it is true that every nation lockheed federal deserves its ruler. Surprised only one, do people believe all that nonsense about the unsanitary conditions, the Mafia and poison that sweeps from the screens. Really can not be inferred from the facts. And the facts are visible to everyone. Meat markets - fresh, this is nowhere. Vegetables, though with databases, but much cheaper than the weekend lockheed federal fairs, which, incidentally, is also closed. Quite simply, lockheed federal if just a little to think about. Recently, one of the city officials said that the turnover of about 10 billion a year and the money pass by the city authorities. Here is the answer to the question why!
I do not like your comment. but oh well. I personally want to see the markets and fairs above all our people with the products lockheed federal of our regions. "Instead of greens with bases, but much cheaper." and fair closed, yes. and areas such as ours, where markets have years tsat within walking distance no, it was a panacea, though not the cheapest. and, fortunately, it was possible to buy potatoes from the "... area," cheese "... area," etc. etc. and not fresh and cheaper, but with bases.
September 1st 17th century 18th century 1812 1917 23 February 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya lockheed federal March 8, Alexander I, Alexander II, Alexander III Alexander Alexeev Alexander Garden Street Alexis Alexis Alexis Metropolitan of Moscow Andreev Andrei Rublev Andriyaka Annenkovo Antropov pit Appia Arbat Armenia Arnoux Arkhangelsk B. Dmitrovka Bazhenov Baranovsky Barcelona Basmannaya Sloboda Belousov Benoit Berlin Bernes Bersenevke Bogatirev Bozhedomka Bologoye Swamp Sts Borodino lockheed federal Panorama Botanical Garden Boyar playground lockheed federal Fraternal Cemetery Boulevard Ring Bunin Butyrev

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