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For the Mig-25 kit from Kitty Hawk Eduard has now brought out a number of Zurüstsätzen. As the model I'm starting here with the cockpit. The set consists of two Fotoätzplatinen one of which is color-printed and self adhesive. There are about 70 parts to build in total. The kit already in fairly good cockpit experiences here again a significant improvement, with decals or brush you get such effects as they do not offer towards the colored etched parts. esa payments Also, the ejector seat gets all that is what needed to build an attractive model, esa payments you want to present open the pulpit. Seat belts, seat cushions and Abzugsspriegel, esa payments everything is included. The pulpit is considerably refined, pulpit frames and mirrors all around, and the Cockpit Frame makes everything take the finished model to Wettberwerbs-Nieveau. Recommended for use in Model-professional very.
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