Monday, July 14, 2014


(Port-au-Prince July 20, 2010) - Paolo M. Chilosi, Director Multilink SA is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jephté Toussaint Director of Infrastructures. With this title, Mr. Toussaint will work at maximizing performance king fighter games and operation king fighter games of the enterprise king fighter games infrastructure. king fighter games It will also monitor new WiMAX network and the Multilink extension to major province. Among the professional qualifications, Mr. Toussaint has two diplomas in Engineering king fighter games and Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from École Polytechnique de Montreal. He has a knowledge of IT, especially in the matter of networks and communications, and many years of experience. His presence Multilink team represents a significant asset for the company. In recent years, Mr. Toussaint was busy business analyst and project officer for the Canadian Forces. Function, he had to assess the feasibility of projects in the amount it will cost money, needs, and strategic alignment empak part of the implementation of new systems networks and telecommunications. M. Toussaint king fighter games was also CEO of BSYSTEM Inc.., As the president. His appointment as Director of Infrastructure comes at an important moment for Multilink, king fighter games while the company is developing its expansion plan. According to this plan, Multilink will to extend its network at the national king fighter games level and provide innovative Internet services accessible to the vast majority of Haitian families and businesses. Paolo Chilosi, Director About Multilink Multilink SA SA Founded in 1995, Multilink choice number 1 large enterprises and institutions in Haiti for its fast and reliable technologies and outstanding quality king fighter games customer service. Over the last ten years, Multilink successfully marketed a comprehensive range of services to private home customers, SMEs, large companies and institutions. Multilink strongly believes that Internet king fighter games Service Providers have an important role to implement the economic and social development of Haiti. Our goal is not only to develop a market; king fighter games It is also for us to participate king fighter games in the development of a country and improving prospects for its population.
L'Internet, Comme he shall EAU et electricity, Needs est un vital downgrade the quality of lifestyle. The mission consists of Multilink straightforward: reinventing the way dont les Haitians communiquent, travaillent, students, et commercent is divertissent. king fighter games Timepieces travaillons à développer des solutions pour chaque Haitians, for chaque corporate, des newer smallness aux newer Granda. Devenez Fan of Multilink sur facebook, les soyez informés first!
2011 (1) March (1) 2010 (52) August (4) July (6) Mr. Jean Bernard RICHE est le grand winner of the ... Multilink SA appoints Mr. Jephté Toussai ... Multilink SA appoints Mr. Jephté Toussaint cum ... Tell Multilink SA announces the appointment of Mr. Jephté Business Contest ... Haiti: Green Businesses Wanted. Gr ... 35 seconds of Silence @ 04:53:10 PM In Remembrance ... June (10) May (5) April (9) March (4) Ferrières (8) January (6) 2009 (45) décembre (4) November (10) October (27) September (4)

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