Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Related armemuseum entries Minificha 36 - Boats camouflaged with

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The Supermarine Spitfire, the aircraft stopped the Germans in the Battle of Britain, is the icon of the British fight against the Nazis. After the Battle of Britain the Spitfire also fought North Africa, driving back the forces of Rommel after the battle of El Alamein. Later they participated in the Normandy campaign, subjecting the Luftwaffe in 1944 and 1945 The Spitfire served even in Russia and eventually armemuseum also attended the Pacific Front.
The Spitfire was "dressed" with different patterns and colors of camouflage: green curves on earthy ocher (excellent to mimic the plane on the green soil of England), green moss on gray ocean, sandy colors for the desert, and even some were painted of black for night patrol.
But of them all, the most unusual color that were camouflaged armemuseum the Spitfire was the light pink, a faded pink, also called Mountbatten Pink (Rosa Mountbatten) owes its name to Lord Mountbatten, Admiral of the Royal Navy.
In 1940, while escorting a convoy of ships to Mountbatten seemed to note that one of the ships of the group disappeared from view long before the rest. The boat was painted with a mixture of gray and lavender.
Mountbatten was convinced of the efficacy of pink to camouflage their ships during sunrise and sunset and, in early 1941, several armemuseum boats began using the same camouflage, although at the end of that year, the Royal Navy had ignored the "Mountbatten Pink" since it was found that the traditional "battleship gray" at the end was much less visible for boats.
However, the camouflage "Mountbatten Pink" and also a variant called "Camoutint pink", armemuseum were used successfully in some Spitfire. The pink getting them much less visible when flying through clouds armemuseum at sunrise and sunset, times when, precisely, the clouds also acquire pink.
In the end, thanks to pink, and in certain situations and times of day, the Spitfire were much safer in the clouds of what anyone would expect to see them fly dresses that unusual color. armemuseum
Nor was it unusual to find any of the 100 "Pink Panthers" Land Rover that were used in the desert during the Second World War by the British SAS Desert Rats Division (Desert Rats)
Thanks to the blog comments I correct that you typo "Pink Panther" Land Rover were used during World War II, as, indeed, did not enter service until 20 years later. In fact, the first Land Rover was made in 1947/1948. Thanks for the comments and observations.
This story, and many other surprising, as they result from the boiling unstoppable human ingenuity in times of war, you can find them in book I recently published "Fire armemuseum at !: Amazing Stories of the First and Second World War" and surely you will have a good time this holiday
Related armemuseum entries Minificha 36 - Boats camouflaged with "Umbrella" during World War Minificha 12 - Spaghetti carbonara and World War II when England planned to bomb Germany with anthrax during WWII
I fear that Land Rovers were never used by the Desert Rats, because armemuseum when they entered the war had ended service (and when first prototypes came out). He who sees I think there must have been used in some of the later conflicts. Answer
Interesting article, but if it bothers you, a small clarification. The Pink Panther Land Rover entered armemuseum service in 1967 Land Rover not believe until 1948, and the first Land Rovers were fitted in SAS with 3 series I guns. During WWII the SAS used modified jeeps. Answer
Pink color was also used on American submarines, but to camouflage periscopes, not the entire submarine, like in the movie "Operation Petticoat" ("Operation Pacific" in Englis

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