I will never forget the day that election eve 2010, the incumbent Mayor of Xanthi Babis Dimarhopoulos brought me to change my picture of the communication profile of the "M" with a new style ... Fanouraki -as characteristics told me he belonged in same-faction to show something new and modern ...
Since then, of course, they passed some years, Dimarhopoulos has even come out ... Mayor thanks to mentors and 'hea ... "like us we put the chest back and behold the new exploits of ...
Master, supposedly educated and good ideas at least in writing, to draw and put on the site of the Municipality of Xanthi a simple and human greeting, greetings sought other Mayors past years, we copied the prologue and style of the current Mayor of Alexandroupolis k.Lampaki , made Gabby text sample of all those who can not see that in short you can say a lot and "passes" for his own ...!
(SS course even wait to get out in front and take your responsibilities for the "mud" movie the fighter of the famous Channel 6 against Lyratzi. Where, movie the fighter of course, forget the specific "key" that the sidekick Manolis Tsepelis signed as present in emergency meeting ...! So the story ...).
Any "function", "afilia" and "ingratitude" of the regional governor George Pavlidis toward those who stood as one of the most difficult movie the fighter moments, does not concern us but him and his "temperament" movie the fighter of ... He was always , everything was moving movie the fighter and moving around himself, when reasonably expected his attitude towards us and ...
Good, then, are "late" supporters who throughout last 4 years was "Tsatsos" of Giannakidis be addressed to him and not to us "Ciglane"!
-Emeis movie the fighter The "know", even when we take three to four a day to cancel our ... "dirty" war that made him the mouthpieces of "Giannakidis!" Or terminate our Fotis Karalidi he wanted to. .. "hijacked" the Chatzidakeio and now in the Regional Council to vote 'inspired' ... tourist program Amoiridis !!
We expect the current President of DEFAX Marino Sdrevano and see until when (now of preparing a surprise ...) will give us a clear answer for the media that was ... "sponsor" for many years the Tsepelis .. .
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