Friday, December 6, 2013

My installation: 16 pcs 1-Wire sensors, 1xWAGO750-881, 3xWAGO750-849, two KNX lines + 1 line about

Forum IP Symcon Hardware Z-Wave Z-Wave Nevo S70 If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ - frequently asked questions by. You need to register probably before you can post Beitrge. Click on 'Register' button to start the registration process. You can start viewing Beitrge. Search just the forum that interests you most.
Hi, was not spoken just a few days ago in another, single stage to orbit more general thread about the subject, but I guess the S70 deserves their own thread. Did the FB are around 2009 and am to this day mega excited. Certainly anfnglich bit more complicated because even very complex configuration, but once you have understood it right umgnglich. I now have obtained a few days so that employs the Nevo to get into the IPS. Basically the Gert is detected but classes etc. are not read. Further attempts were diesbezglich also fail. The Z-Wave accounts in itself were it taken over by the Nevo and can also be accessed without single stage to orbit any further, but in use in the IPS necessarily my goal was and is not. Are there perhaps other experiences the bullet Could possibly help me? In theory, yes it should be possible if you get involved the Gert, also scripts, etc., or to address other IPS Komponeten. Maybe someone has an idea where I can get the Z-Wave specifications a bit describes a documentary.
Hi Marko, I was the one with the Nevo and Z-Wave. single stage to orbit I have the Nevo (Q50 a) not yet, but she is appointed single stage to orbit and may come tomorrow. I she would also like to connect to IPS, I hope we will solve the problem. Gru Frank
My installation: 16 pcs 1-Wire sensors, 1xWAGO750-881, 3xWAGO750-849, two KNX lines + 1 line about Siemens IP routers, IP Symcon, IRTRANS LAN connection via ModBus WP (WAGO) single stage to orbit DMX4ALL single stage to orbit LAN-DMX STAGE-PROFI for LED effect lighting.
hymmm've just seen the unterstzt the Q50 also z-wave. Actually thought it only the 70 knnte. I mean remind me to can I am therefore then went to the 70. Hut surely otherwise the "smaller" taken, as it was then NEN fierce price difference, as I recall. But I'll desires ever have fun with the fine part .....
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