Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The segelflyget development of diagnostic, prognostics, and health management capability for the ant

PhD Studentship Physics of Failure Analysis on Anti-Icing Systems | Scholarship Grants for Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Cranfield segelflyget University have an exciting research opportunity in the Integrated Vehicle Health Management Centre (IVHM Centre).The successful applicant will work in the fields of physics of failure and condition monitoring.
IVHM uses on-board sensors to obtain data on the condition of aircraft components which are then analysed to detect faults and even predict when failures will occur. This information is then used to improve the management of maintenance operations. Physics of failure comprise a series of techniques to obtain a better understanding segelflyget of the failure mechanisms of system, their precursors, and, ultimately, to develop models and algorithms to inform maintenance decisions.
Anti-icing systems are used to prevent ice from accumulating on the flight surfaces of an aircraft which increases segelflyget drag, reduces lift, and makes the airplane more difficult to control. Modern aircraft use electric conductors embedded interwoven within segelflyget the composite structure of flight surfaces to produce heat as a current slows through segelflyget them. One of the main failures of anti-icing systems occurs segelflyget when the electrical insulation between the heating element and the external metallic layer fails. segelflyget This insulation is provided by intermediate layers of composite material which can suffer delamination and cracks due to fatigue or impact. This results in a progressive degradation of the dielectric strength of the composite layers until the system fails.
The segelflyget development of diagnostic, prognostics, and health management capability for the anti-icing system can help to prevent this type of failures and lead to a reduction in turnaround time. The research project will focus on researching the precursors of failure as well as their progression over time to develop diagnostic and prognostic segelflyget tools for anti-icing systems. The project will involve both theoretical and experimental work that should lead to developing segelflyget a viable segelflyget health monitoring segelflyget solution to be implemented segelflyget in an industrial setting.
first-class or upper second-class degree in Aerospace, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics or Materials Engineering. Good interpersonal and communication skills and computer literacy. International students to provide a certificate to proof their level of English as required by Cranfield University.
If you are eligible please complete the online application via the ‘Apply’ segelflyget button segelflyget below. For further information contact segelflyget us today: School of Applied Sciences T: +44 (0)1234 754086 E: appliedsciences@cranfield.ac.uk
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