Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Popular misconception is that choosing a president citizens expect that one soldier in the field an

Since yesterday, the site is not difficult to read RBC's this news (quoting selectively): Russian President Dmitry Medvedev submitted to the State Duma amendments to the Civil Code. A new article of the Civil Code, which provides the general principles of liability of information intermediaries (ISPs) in conveying all material on the Internet or third parties providing opportunities layout they will be responsible for the violation of intellectual property rights Well: As you know, the election is over, ladies and gentlemen - It seems that now in legislative initiatives can not be shy, fully exposing his face. Immediately, I note also that in the RBC after the words "will be responsible for the violation of intellectual property rights" jets planes increased on muttering "on a common basis in the presence of guilt", but it is ridiculous (it is difficult to imagine a provider who submits the materials on the Internet unintentionally and without realizing it) so it seems a clumsy attempt to soften the words terrible blow on a Carrier ebiznesu - one shot, which undoubtedly will respond harshly and ordinary users, if (or rather jets planes when) providers wish to protect. Depending on the amount of losses jets planes incurred jets planes by providers, jets planes such extremes are possible, in which a large (and even greater) jets planes part of Internet users will be forced to the pressure of circumstances, the transition mode read only, prevented transmission format and on the Internet. Imagine, for example, that before the publication of this blogozapisi Habrahabr I'll have to give consideration to a certificate of a licensed provider clean my copyright text and legal admissibility of incomplete citation RBC (perpetrated by specifying a hyperlink), signed jets planes by two or three graduate lawyers in advance ( for two to three weeks), two or three copies, with payment of fees RAO (or other pravotorgovtsam) and several application notarized copies of your receipt. To such extremes, probably it comes not soon, but some movement in this direction unattractive undoubtedly begin; Russian Internet after the adoption of these amendments will never, ever be the same again. Appendage. As announced in the comments doubt as to whether this news belongs to the second of April, and not to the first, I believe reasonable cause multiple hyperlinks to the website of "United Russia" April 2: April 2, 2012, 15:00. President submitted to the State Duma amendments to the Civil Code April 2, 2012, 14:56. Medvedev: Amendments to the Civil Code apply to all types of property relations April 2, 2012, 18:05. Vyatkin: The amendments jets planes to the Civil Code is considered legal practice April 2, 2012, 19:17. Burmatov: jets planes Amendments to the Civil Code can protect content producers from pirates

Popular misconception is that choosing a president citizens expect that one soldier in the field and all will change. jets planes This is a fallacy. Together with the principal at the helm is a whole army of officials, jets planes which in varying degrees of aptitude and competence. Above each such bill work specific people. It so happens that these people just did not understand the issues of agencies which manage selected. Enough to get acquainted with their opinions and thoughts in an accessible media. Becomes immediately obvious jets planes that the uncles that they rule the country very often not even that greedy korruptsionnisty and shit just do not understand the issue. I have often worked (thank god estranged and tied) with the state. structures Polish Economy line. policy. Incompetence and stupidity of people jets planes just do not know borders. So so everywhere. jets planes We usually run by incompetent, illiterate, and yet very often and immoral asshole.
In fact the document said, "in the draft a pinpoint in the Civil cases in which penalties for violations of intellectual property rights shall be applied in the presence of guilt ... and cases of liability of information intermediaries (ISPs)." Ie have offered ustakanilos ambiguity when and what you can punish, but when you can not. And find out what role providers play here. Personally, I see the opposite positive thing - more than obvious that the providers jets planes will do with it and it will be enshrined in law, well and will last a clear understanding of what will be punished (in violation of intellectual property rights, and what is not). In general, as usual, from the positive news received negative. ps Before the heap in the document a lot of talk about the legislative consolidation of various free licenses, which also positively.
This is the eternal desire to take a complex, multidimensional problem and simplify it to a single measurement. Here is the same idiotic analogy. jets planes Here in Russia there is a problem with the police. Let's make reform and fix it. And here we are already in the building Far police tortured people. Let cq

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