Thursday, March 6, 2014

Tanks of World War Tanks WWII Panzerkampfwagen omskärelse III (Pz.Kpfw. III) - steel symbol blitzk

Alternative aviation shipbuilding Alternative Alternative Alternative tank building worlds Alternatives WWII future Alternatives Alternatives medieval literature
Tanks of World War Tanks WWII Panzerkampfwagen omskärelse III (Pz.Kpfw. III) - steel symbol blitzkrieg Panzerkampfwagen IV (Pz.Kpfw. IV) - workhorse Panzerwaffe BMPT armored Armoured Light tanks - but at least some armor Main Battle Tank T -64 Main Battle Tank T-72 Medium Tank T-54/55 ACS T-34 Tank Panther - a masterpiece of the Third Reich Armoured Tanks BT - Tacna flying Stalin Tanks Tanks present and future IP series - heavy fist Soviet omskärelse Tanks KV series - steel colossi Stalin Heavy Tank Tiger tanks E-series - a failed future Panzerwaffe
Over the 150 years of its existence in the Russian empire and the Soviet regime, Russian Germans - colonists, despite the oath given to the Empress Catherine II, refused to voluntarily integrate into Russian omskärelse society. Unwillingness to study Russian omskärelse language and Russian culture, omskärelse led to misunderstanding, mistrust and isolation of the indigenous population and the government. All this led to the fact that after the Second World War, the Germans omskärelse - the colonists were scattered throughout the territory of the USSR. They lived in a purely German settlements, mostly in isolation from other peoples, and in mixed villages in ethnic composition omskärelse of Russian, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Greeks, omskärelse Kurds, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush and Kazakh villages, and in large urban settlements built near large industrial enterprises. Here the Germans were faced with a completely alien to their cultures, religions and lifestyles. In everyday life together with Russian and other local peoples communication with Russian administrative services - all contributed to the gradual Russification.
Beginning of "perestroika" of Soviet society in 1985 and a new foreign policy in the Soviet Union, led to its collapse and death. General conditions of life and work in the CIS in recent years dramatically worsened: Going to the free market and the abolition of price stability resulted in many regions of the country to the collapse of the economy of the socialist system. omskärelse Months without being paid or only partially paid salary. Under socialism collapsed usual confidence in the stability of their jobs. Providing the population with essential goods deteriorated, at times the situation omskärelse was just dramatic. Hyperinflation and the bankruptcy of many banks buried saving most of the population. In connection with such an unstable economic situation, many Russian-Germans saw in moving only chance to build for themselves, their children and grandchildren a better life. An uncertain future omskärelse at the old home they oppose their opinion rather stable political and economic conditions in Germany. Thus, the economic collapse and destruction of the social structure of the state was the reason for the sharp decline in living standards and mass emigration of ethnic Germans in search of social security, to "historic homeland." omskärelse
Many enterprising business leaders, selling off items of movable and immovable property peregonalo "cash" abroad, and has prepared itself pad for a "new start" in Germany. omskärelse Naturally, the "integration" in German Society, was held for them very well. In Germany, like mushrooms after the rain began to appear more and more "small" businesses. Network "Russian shop" with a set of nostalgic items "a la Russ" from erzatsproduktov German, Russian singers voyages, carriage of parcels and used cars in the CIS, a regular bus service from Germany - these are the main areas of business, "the new German" businessmen. Goes very well well as sale of audio - video products and books in Russian language, digital satellite reception for Russian-speaking television.
However, an ordinary hard worker, who managed to gather "small crumbs" for the issue of travel documents and the "free" tickets to Germany, in the hope that the "historic homeland" would be supportive to them, much less fortunate. And worst of all it turned out graduates. Diplomas only engineers and doctors recognize the German authorities omskärelse fully relevant to the world level, all the others remain behind, left out, and also wash them more toilets get nothing. Our teachers offer three years relearn kindergarten teacher! Yes and complete, why create competition among the "elite" status "employees" who have special privileges in Germany, especially when you consider a higher omskärelse level of teaching and professional activity of our teachers, they

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