Sunday, March 2, 2014

They say - time heals all wounds, but it is clearly not saying about Ukraine. Has passed for 22 yea

Ukraine is at a crossroads, or slaves, or back home - in Russian world! | CPRF in Chelyabinsk lightsoft weather center
Now all is clear and understandable, a new dust-Ukraine, the so-called Evromaydaun - is planned lightsoft weather center action against Russia, not against Yanukovych. Frankly speaking, the Yanukovych nothing and call him in any way, and applied specifically lightsoft weather center to kick Putin. And Yanukovych knows about it ... What's the matter, that in Ukraine, lightsoft weather center light wedge came? That's it! Uncle Sam should at all costs stop Putin, lightsoft weather center and its integration project on the Eurasian continent.
Recently, the world hegemon, Uncle Sam suffers one another geopolitical defeat on all fronts under the onslaught of Russia. Came to the United States "critical" days, the loss of influence lightsoft weather center in Ukraine is guaranteed to put an end to Uncle Sam, as a global lightsoft weather center hegemon. This can not guess the average man, but this perfectly know literally all interested players in world politics. True - all these players lightsoft weather center as one silent, that those partisans, some are afraid to jinx it, but others are simply afraid. And what's so terrible? Someone is afraid lightsoft weather center to be alone with Russia, because lightsoft weather center they know good turn deserves another, lightsoft weather center and the statute of limitations in international politics is not. Some people understand that nothing they kicked Russian bear, while he was in hibernation lightsoft weather center - a country-that the ocean does not move.
Literally, the whole world is watching lightsoft weather center closely confrontation between Russia and the USA in Ukraine. Moreover, Ukraine lightsoft weather center is literally here and now the fate of the European Union, and many are not aware of this, but it is. This is best evidenced lightsoft weather center by EU bureaucrats and politicians howl limitrophe nedogosudarstv, they ought to know, "Who is the girl dinner, he and her dancing. "How can you not understand my sincere Foreign Minister of Ukraine: do not climb into the affairs of a sovereign state to all who are not handy. Golden words. Only had before, "scratched" Nenko on account of their sovereignty and self-sufficiency, with the first day of the collapse of the USSR. When in the former USSR were referenda: "On-separatist independence of Ukraine", the agitators spread among the population of Ukraine is quite plain flyers for visual fixation. Leaflets importations almost every house and apartment lightsoft weather center in Ukraine. These leaflets with apothecary accuracy was a comparison, how much of what makes Ukraine within the USSR, and most importantly - how much remains in Ukraine, Moscow and many takes, and then devour klyatyh Muscovites. By all indications the originator receives that Ukraine Russia feed and water, and all the other hangers-on of the USSR. By the way Ukrainians in this bill were not alone, the main breadwinners and poiltsy USSR lived in the Baltic States. Yes, Baits, they are priebalty, and now have turned into the main breadwinners in Europe. You'll see, years later .... tsat and Europe billed: for zavlekalovo lightsoft weather center and rape in a perverted form, in unsanitary conditions. But in the future, as in the past. Samostiynogo accountant "Wotruba" counted lightsoft weather center that all economic indicators Ukraine is the second-third economy in Europe. And what about Russia? By understanding the emerging ancient Ukrainians klyatyh Russia had no relation to Europe, moreover it still was alive to rot and fall apart. It is from that time and leaflets went conviction Ukrainian small and popular expression that Ukraine - France is the second. Immediately the question naturally arises: Gromadyane, and wherein the second Hfrantsiya? What ...... it does not exist? So ......... you that had already pr *** en and second Hfrantsiyu? ....... Ah, so it was not. Phew, relieved. So accountant pharmacists maleshko mistaken. Well at least not then Ukrainians accountant sights on Germany, and then here would rzhaka. .... Why? And you do not know - who is now the first, dash, the second largest economy in Europe? ....... What? Do not know. In Russia! ...... What is it? You, whether in a stupor, whether in touch? lightsoft weather center
They say - time heals all wounds, but it is clearly not saying about Ukraine. Has passed for 22 years, and Ukraine still spread the "flyers". Do not believe me? And rightly so, leaflets no longer in vogue. Now show little Ukrainians from each party supernovae Internet tablets for comparison, and most importantly they are colored. Shaw, again? No, now in these tables do not show how Russia Ukraine overeat, although there are signs. Now a new fashion and compare what is the thickest, with thereby. With a slim ...? No liquid. How is it? And that's it. Suppose taken certain indicators in Russia or the Customs Union, and compare lightsoft weather center them with those in the European Union. Naturally by tsifirki appears that the EU is a paradise, and grace, and in the TS full hell and hopelessness. Even inmates in prisons bother to compare to "paradise" and "Mordor". Better compared to the number of inmates in the bastion of democracy in the United States and the European Union. But then after a lot depends on compilers to manipulate information is not a tricky business.
However, for many European competitors happiness of mladoukraintsev, nothing more is necessary, because they are literally on the fingers showed

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