Saturday, June 7, 2014

RF-4E Phantom II was developed as an export version of the type RF-4C. The Base structure of both a

RF-4E Phantom esa benefit II vnmeckm Air Force
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Pevahu troops Varavsk contracts in conventional vzbroji at the end sedmdestch years could leave the Federal Ministry of Defence without povimnut. Take urns for units deployed potenciln Vlen was assigned a so-called secondary role. For przkumn squad AG 51 and AG 52 mean besides e przkumnch wheel te mus provdti flows against pozemnmclm. First bag had dojtk modification stvajcch RF-4E, because you still can not wear a gout offensive or defenzivnvzbroj. The rights are rozbhly in November 1979. internal podkdlov zvsnky were equipped ADAPTR for carrying 2270 kg ammunition or necessary wiring. The airplane so they can bt Naven American bombs Mk.82 Snakeye, a French Matra 25 ED or container bombs British esa benefit vroby Huntington BL.755. From the back of vnitnch esa benefit podkdlovch were when placing namontovny vmetnice klamnch cl AN / ALE 40 Standard esa benefit SUCH NPL in metnic the skldala of 60 and 30 patrondipl patron svtlic.
In the mid sedmdestch years dolo kvmn starch radiolokanch vstranch reception AN / APR 36/37 for new AN / ALR 46.Vkony AN / ALR 46 pli bag were not satisfactory, so Luftwaffe vyadovalo esa benefit his conglomerate. Companys MBBnakonec this radiolokan vstran reception replace type AN / ALR 68 (V) 1 Ex developed esa benefit for nmeck Air Force. During heavy oil upgrading dolo as well as emergency radio's built-XT-2000. In the years 19791982 when placing same heating VMName przkumnch sensor aircraft. Infraerven przkumn systm AN / AAS 18 replaced infraerven camera AN / AAD fifth
In the second half osmdestch years Zaal plnovat gave modernization. Radioloktor APQ-99 mlbt superseded by the APQ-172nd Pedpokldala integration PLS AIM-9 Sidewinder and implemented data bus MIL-STD-1553B. Milk of Navcmlo to change a kamerovho equipped. These bag full of peruilo sjednocovn Nmecka azvazky under the Treaty 2 +4. The Federal Ministry of Defence because in 1991 stopped modernizan full of the RF-4E and the stopper 1994 is shut the status of the Luftwaffe.
RF-4E Phantom II was developed as an export version of the type RF-4C. The Base structure of both aircraft esa benefit is virtually identical, and both machines esa benefit if only vnkolika MLO points. The fuselage, as well as vkov helm, was completely pevzat the RF-4C, slots kdlech pochz from F-4E. RF-4E, according obdrel esa benefit systm ofukovn boundary layer Built-vkdle, which features esa benefit improvements to flight pinzkch speeds. So you change a few vykzalo esa benefit photographic equipment and air conditioning. RF-4E is like its predecessor RF-4C equipped with six internal esa benefit fuselage fuel ndremi. Nejzsadnj represented to change the motor VMName J79-GE-15A obvyklch for option C for J79-GE-17A version of the F-4E.
The heart of the aircraft avionics RF-4E is radioloktor Texas Instruments AN / APQ 99 He compared the then SVM competitors excelled replace esa benefit rozlienmavtm reach. Radar osdky pouvaly pedevm to check pzemnho flight esa benefit and zemskho terrain map room. VK The airplane off the ground m radiovkomr AN / APN 159 Among the other dleit avionics zazen pat inerciln navigation system m AN / ASN 63 with built-in navigation in secret.
Data and brokering esa benefit the investigation of the plnovac TBY pedvaj help zazen AN / ARC 105 To evaluate Uma zskan information without unnecessary n time-delay. esa benefit To communicate air-to-air or with its own ground air traffic control radios serve ASQ 19th It is equipped esa benefit with 20 stations on them are for Simplifying service dleit preset frequency. During modernization at the end sedmdestch years zskaly nmeck emergency radio Phantom XT-2000.
Optical sensors are instalovny to tyech towns TINA. The first position nachzí aerial cameras KS-87B is snmkuje obliquely forward ABHE flight MEBT pootoena to the vertical position (this position is vyuv pi nonché akcch). Pouva camera lens focal vzdlenosti 3 and 6 inches. PDI Phantom fir umstna panoramic camera KA-56E. The given position is instalovna pair against each sklonnch KS-87B cameras esa benefit for snmkovn of stednch and velkch age. These cameras pouvaj lens focal vzdlenosti esa benefit 3 and 6 inches. There are even with lenses 12 and 18 inches, pi their uit bag MEBT namontovna only one of the two cameras. In order to przkumn DOWNLOAD IN PROGRESS mission at night, the Phantoms equipped svtlicemi their vmetnice are umstny right and left KLOV area. Svtlice dock produce lamp size

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