"Think of the art" For so many unforced errors to think, in fact, almost no one is the author jets transport of the original. It is interesting that these unforced errors just have some thinking before I introduced the book can be found (see <Do not fool when it normal!>, <People obey influence>, <if we really want everyone can get "irrational forces"> <shrimp Who says people are rational>, <Economic jets transport Naturalist (the Economic Naturalist)>):!!!? Hsee (Christopher K. Hsee) of " Do not be a fool normal: normal avoid mistakes and become extraordinary decision makers (brand jets transport new 2nd Edition) "Robert. Xierdini (Robert jets transport B. Cialdini) of "influence: persuading people to obey surgery" (Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion) Dan. Ai Ruili (Dan Ariely) of "irrational forces: jets transport Mastering behavioral economics work, life and love" (The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home) and "Who said that people are rational of! : Consumer marketing experts and people should understand the behavior of Economics "(Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Force That Shape Our Decisions) Rob. Frank (Robert H. Frank) "economic natural science: Why economics can explain almost all things" jets transport (The Economic Naturalist: In Search of Explanations jets transport for Everyday Enigmas).
Rolf. Dewberry (Rolf Dobelli) is Swiss, MBA, PhD Economic Philosophy University of St. Gallen (University of St. Gallen). His humorous tone, in layman's language cited by chapter 52 we are all prone to commit errors of thinking, jets transport then served with life interesting, Celebrities, History, emotional relationships, investment jets transport banking, stock trading, experimental studies, specific instructions How can we think about committing a large number of these errors. In addition, for the thinking errors made in response to the road. Meanwhile, with the theme of each are associated with a humorous German illustrator, so that "the art of thinking" jets transport is not only a practical, more interesting to watch.
Studies have repeatedly shown that many behavioral economics, we are faced with many important decisions in life, actually dare to fall into irrational thinking trap, bias, falsehood, illusion, error. We often "intuitively, unconsciously," to make a decision, then hindsight fix some plausible reasons for selection. The perpetrators of these errors is not shameful to think, because it is millions of years to evolve jets transport the human mind the inevitable result of the evolution of our brains to make us not always be rational, but let us survive and reproduce The. Because people are not perfect and lovely, but also has the ability to learn to think clearly and rationally great!
From Malaysia, graduated from the Department of Life Sciences, National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan Bachelor-cum-Master, and the University of California, Davis (University jets transport of California at Davis) Genetics jets transport Ph.D., engaged in Drosophila genetics evolution. Currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica in Taiwan, engaged in bird evolution jets transport genetics, genomics and evolutionary developmental biology. In the past had long served Chinese science news website "TECVIEW" (Sciscape.org) editor in chief, the incumbent Readmoo Blog] [GENE think the book Xuan columnist. Personal Blog: The Sky of Gene.
Godzilla will be longer big? 2014/05/25 sleeping for at least a decade, the Japanese town of the country in the wake of animal Godzilla again on the screen. Since Godzilla in early 1954 debut [...]
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