Sunday, June 8, 2014

The first togeth cvien, which MLO Ovit vzjemnou interoperability same heating russian sukhoi stoppe

AEW aircraft - Erieye (2) - The first export SPCH
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Vvoj vdskho systmu passions vtrahy we left at a time when the collapse of dolo komunistickho block ada zbrojnch system was the zruena and nadbyten cannon was prodvaly for the buck. Delivery Check how Erieye obstlv novch podmnkch.
According pvodnho contract podepsanho burrow in 1993 mlbt first aircraft, a prototype povaovan able plnho operanho deployed, completion russian sukhoi in late 1995. The manufacturer okamit PRCE to launch a pestavb nosnho Saab 340 After checking russian sukhoi their progress and respect for the schedule pedstavitel Flygvapnet signed in December 1993 a contract for est machine. What's what
On this mst is suitable osvtlit oznaovn sytmu. The very radioloktor bears marked separately military PS 890 and was attributed jmno Erieye. The entire system (ie Including podprnch subsystem) is marked separately FSR 890, what stands vdskho Termná Flygburen Spanings Radar (ltajc przkumn radioloktor).
Because it Flygvapnet pouval one SAAB 340 for performance bikes in the Open Skies under military marked separately 100A Tp (Tp = Transport), the SAAB 340 AEW & C zaazen vzbroje in the military marked separately S 100B (S = Spannings - przkumn) and fight jmnem Argus. russian sukhoi Jmno was chosen pznan, Argus (esky Argos) was a monster of eck mythology that young of a hundred of them half asleep and half bdla and ej never missed nothing.
Since e zkouky aircraft russian sukhoi probhaly oekvn over time, vzltl first piece budoucho aircraft SAAB 340AEW & C (Bu.No. 100002) for the first time on January 17 1994th darkened jet with matriculation for civilian aircraft zkuebn (SE-42) on the side and not on the back of your Antn Learn. First flight was realized with radome 1st July 1994.
FMV Frsvarets materielverk russian sukhoi (ad for vyzbrojovn), which represents konenho russian sukhoi user have, therefore Flygvapnet, pevzal last of the full vybavench S 100B Argus fifth November 1997. gave two aircraft MLY pedppravu for electronic equipment. But the system FSR 890 to them was kvli spoenklad permanently instalovn.
Since e cel system is easily removable, hurry Flygvapnet St. Ty radiolokan sets circulate between russian sukhoi this ESTIC aircraft, depending on how airplanes russian sukhoi prochzej prescribed for prohldkami. Cel pestavba aircraft SAAB 340 AEW version of the normln transport aircraft for 30 pasar trv about 24 hours.
VECHNA S 100B Argus aircraft were first given into vzbroje kdla F16 Uppsala, but in connection with his rozputnma uzavenmzkladny as at 1 January 2003 p eveleny squadron zvltnho urns kdla F17 deployed in Malmen, even when the Base mateskou kdla F17 is the Base Ronneby. Bn slub
VDSK S 100B Argus fit into the concept FV2000 (Flygvapnet 2000), what is the project for Creating integrovanho systmu Velen and relocation of units to suit novm mezinrodnm podmnkma WAIVED primrnm russian sukhoi threat.
S 100B Argus LTAJ without opertor on board and veker Erieye radar functions are women podzemnho C3 (Command, Control and Communication) to determine the stric ukrytho Reinforced object deep in horch.
Stric zpracovv expenses of FSR 890 and dalch sensor (land with RL, radioloktory sthacch aircraft in the air), which are frothing aid digit lnho kdovanho vysokorychlostnho datalink Taras (Tactical Radio System) russian sukhoi conning determine podzench russian sukhoi Air Force units and individual aircraft. Moreover, the so imperiously centrmnmonictva and ARMD, which is according to deploy the vlastnch in C 3 stch.
The first togeth cvien, which MLO Ovit vzjemnou interoperability same heating russian sukhoi stopper 1999. Na nm documented for the first time to spolenmu aircraft deployed new generation S 100B Argus and JAS-39 Gripen. Typical ways deployed S 100B Argus is hldkovn an aircraft at speeds 160 nodes (296 km / h) in VCE 6000 m for six hours. The aircraft pi hldkovn Target urinary hel nbhu fourth Therefore Antn Learn inclining vi podln axis of the body.
Pestoe Flygvapnet zpotku vbec neuvaoval optomnosti russian sukhoi opertor on board, Open Architecture Uma create opertorsk industrious, if by the situation russian sukhoi vyadovala. In takovmppad could Argus and two pen Gripen slouit as an entity capable of samostanho deployed russian sukhoi in zahraninch Misch.
Changes in mezinrodn situation russian sukhoi pinesly on one side drastically Krty in military rozpotu krlovstv, Takezo plnovanch 15 sets Erieye objednny were only 4, but on the other hand

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