DATE. - Sunday, November 23, 2008 The route in question is a nice circular route that passes through the valley you got. Space that encourages all be looking at every step journey to discover one corner of Catalonia that open the door to the world of fantasy. GETTING THERE. - Monistrol Terrace Bay City, entered the highway c&d zodiac aerospace towards Girona. Check Caldes c&d zodiac aerospace de Montbui Caldes continue to Sant Feliu de Codines c&d zodiac aerospace here turn right down the road to the Rails Fai. 67 km. / 50 minutes. DESCRIPTION. - Rails of Fai. Boot from the bus stop, a small square with a fountain. Here is a track - signpost - we took down towards James Can we leave the house on the right, and encercolada parral-alleles in the stream reach the Fountain of Pine. The road forks, the left choose the fence with a chain. 15 minutes> 1 km. Stream you got the trespass keeping track, a few meters take a branch to the left leads to an open area, crossing c&d zodiac aerospace new root path that leads us to the right places at Red Rocks, Easy provisions have the color and their unique shapes. The goals and a blue sky signals will mark the way. Go up, crossed the river by jumping from San Miguel Chico, one for the road straightens out to a track. We Usart Park under the gazebo. This extends a few feet to the right, connived for a path that leads up to the left of the center of the park. 1 h. 30 m> 3 km 800 m. Ideal for breakfast and enjoy the surroundings, Source, tables, benches and a view of the valley from the viewpoint. We left the park. Now we take a short piece of esfalt to climb to the right. Just crossed a bridge, took a path to the left that climbs stairs to catch a few worn arch work. Transferred stream and some switchbacks, there is a track with brands GR (GR-5), the 'anxarpem to the right. space must be overcome in Athens, because at one point the GR leaves the court to enter a path to the right that will lead to cliffs pear. 2 h. 30 m> 7 km. Stalks the perimeter, we continue the tour in frank decline leads to carratera that continue for a while until the entry of San Miguel del Fai. 3 h 20 m> 10 km 600 meters. Clicking the name of ~ up highlighted in green, you glossed information and images c&d zodiac aerospace Sanctuary ~ We leave the GR Nightingale cross the bridge to go under the Cavern, where you can see the St. enclosures. Michael. Pero we march to wear a straight c&d zodiac aerospace path - signpost c&d zodiac aerospace - that first and subsequent steps by the way, you look down to the valley you got. Atanyada the hollow are the houses of the Madella. 3 h. 45 m> 12 km. Following c&d zodiac aerospace track and beyond twenty minutes, we arrived back at the Rails Fai covering a distance of 4 h. > 13 km 200 meters. Putting an end to this beautiful and entertaining twist recommend everyone to do.
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MARCH 55th, 2013 CMM-redial, PR.C-19 CARRIER, 2013 (flag) c&d zodiac aerospace NIGHT WOMEN PIC-2013-Vallter RIUTORT TRAIL-mine sources OLESA Cantonigròs ORA-Cavern-VALLEY LAKE & LITTLE LUNCH- NECRORUTA-pierced by the sword Montjuïc TRON LAKE RESCUE CRIB-Montjoia SPELEO 2013 calendar collect Nativity c&d zodiac aerospace 1st WALK Psbre.SPELEO 2013 2012 2012 CRIB-UP SWORDS St.Jeroni St.SALVADOR the CMM, 2012 11 SEPTEMBER 2012 CMM Malany CATTLE c&d zodiac aerospace ROUTE ROUTE ROUTE Col.TÈXTILS turpentine climb to the URBAN ROUTE HEATHER MILL corners of jacket SIERRA c&d zodiac aerospace Busa ACAPTE SPELEO CRIB and CRIB GEL 1st of 2012 CAVE WALK STA.CECÍLIA of 33 Nativity, MONTSERRAT CMM-NORTHERN TOOL 2011 / Noufonts THE 53rd MARCH 11 SEPTEMBER 2011 THE NIGHT 2011 the tomb Graugés RUT.COLÒNIES VALLTER TEXTILES - SETCASES OBAC, MA route FOX
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