Friday, October 18, 2013

A report sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit entitled

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Field (s) of FP7 (s) concerned: NMP NCP - NCP Energy - Environment NCP - NCP Transport EUROPEAN agencys of the environment has published a report sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit on the objectives of the policy of the EUROPEAN Environment 2010 2050
A report sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit entitled "Towards a green economy in Europe: EU environmental policy targets and objective 2010-2050" was published by the European Environment Agency. According to the report, the European environmental policy is based on approximately 63 binding targets and 68 non-binding targets. The document class areas and provides references to the relevant legislation and an overview of the development so far. The report focuses on nine areas: Energy Emissions of greenhouse gases and substances that deplete the ozone pollution and air quality emissions of greenhouse sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit gas emissions and air pollutants from transport sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit waste Sustainable production and consumption Water Chemicals Biodiversity
Note: The study concluded that most of the objectives cover the period until 2020. However, to ensure sustainable progress towards European green economy, it is necessary to have a more ambitious vision sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit and longer term.
More infor mation, see ": environmental sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit policy targets and objective 2010-2050 EU Towards a green economy in Europe" Source: Report of the European Environment Agency News 25-07-2013 Category: News Gnrale Domain Generic: Environment Countries sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit concerned: EUROPEAN UNION region concerned: Not renseign Keywords: green economy, policy, objective, sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit report sukhoi superjet 100 cockpit

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