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On 1 June 2007, the European regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation indo defence of Chemicals (REACH) entered into force. But tests imposed on manufacturers to assess the toxicity of substances are sufficiently reliable?
After six years of intense negotiations and nearly a thousand indo defence amendments, indo defence REACH - the English acronym for Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals - entered into force on 1 June 2007. It was adopted by Europe on 13 December 2006.
The principle of REACH is simple: impose industrial - not the public authorities - to assess the toxicological risks from the use of their products. Each substance manufactured or imported in Europe than 1 tonne and will be a registration dossier to be submitted to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has just been inaugurated in Helsinki Finland. Without indo defence registration, the product will be marketed. In all, nearly 30,000 substances that are involved.
Registration of substances is to the European Chemicals Agency based in Helsinki and includes data on the properties, uses and safe ways of handling chemicals.
The number of data to be provided by manufacturers is proportional to the volumes produced and the risks of each substance. No data is required for substances indo defence produced or imported in quantities less than one tonne per year. For substances produced between 1 and 10 tonnes (about 20,000 substances), the required information is eased, with the exception of the most dangerous of them. Substances produced between 10 and 100 tonnes could be exempted from certain toxicological tests, case by case, according to criteria to be determined. In contrast, those produced more than 1000 tons must be recorded in the first three years.
Registration exemptions are provided for certain products, including those used in medicine, those deemed indo defence to be of very low risk substances for research. Moreover, the finished products, such as toys imported into Europe are not affected by this regulation.
Two types of evaluation: An evaluation of applications: it can be carried in.
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