1 Immediately after the tragedy,'s accused the Ukrainian authorities, the pro-Russian sjlvfrsvarsstyrkorna frddet. What are these accusations based on? 2nd Can Kiev explain in detail why they use Buk missillbatterier in konfliktomrdet? And why were these systems nedelin catastrophe deployed dr to Begin with, Particularly d sjlvfrsvarsstyrkorna not have a few planes? 3rd Varfrgr the Ukrainian authorities not something for that upprtta an international commission? No one will sdan commission pbrja their work? 4 Would the Ukrainian frsvaret be willing to let international investigators inventorying their AAM and SAM missiles, including those that are used in SAM brraketer? 5th Will an International Commission to gain access to sprningsdata from tillfrlitliga kllor angende constant trajectory of the Ukrainian fighter planes nedelin catastrophe during the day of the tragedy? 6 Why TILLT the Ukrainian air traffic plane departing nedelin catastrophe north from the usual flight route, the "anti-terrorist operationszon"? 7 Why was the airspace over the war zone not avstngt for Civil Aviation, Particularly d the area was not fully tckt of radar and navigation systems? 8 How will the Kiev public to comment on reports in social nedelin catastrophe media, allegedly by a Spanish air traffic controllers working in Ukraine, there were televisions Ukrainian militra aircraft FLG along with Boeing 777 over Ukrainian territory? nedelin catastrophe 9th Varfrbrjade the Ukrainian skerhetstjnsten work with recordings of communications between air traffic controllers and Ukrainian Boeing besttningen and with data storage systems from Ukrainian radar stations without Wait on international investigators? 10 What is the Ukraine has learned of a similar event facilities in 2001, d a Russian Tu-154 strtade in the Black Sea? D this hnde's frnekade Ukrainian authorities any involvement of Ukrainian frsvarsmakten until irrefutable evidence showed that Kiev's government was guilty.
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