Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bundesbank director critical of ECB purchases

Saab will develop a new training aircraft with American Boeing. For both companies, this is a potentially very large bet. The goal is to sell about 350 new aircraft to the USAF who will soon launch a tender.
The two flights - and defense companies, Boeing and Swedish Saab take along up the fight for permission to sell the next generation of training aircraft huey chopper for the U.S. Air Force. The two companies have signed huey chopper an agreement to develop and build an entirely new plan that the Air Force can use in the training of its pilots.
The new planet will, as it now looks, to compete with three older trainer planes from as many different huey chopper consortia. There are Italian Alenia with American partner General Dynamics, BAE Systems and Northrop Grumman American and Korean KAI and Lockheed Martin. To get this kind of big contracts with the American military is actually required an alliance with an American defense companies.
At Saab and Boeing highlights that one of their real advantages over the competition is that it is about a new plan that can last for decades to come. Exactly what Saab and Boeing will contribute to the project, they do not give, but it has previously concluded huey chopper that Boeing's interest huey chopper in a partnership with Saab took off after the Swedish company for about a year then got the go-ahead to launch the development of a new version of the Gripen fighter aircraft, designated E. Griffin
Saab emphasizes careful that the new training aircraft will be no simple version of the Gripen. The issue is sensitive because Saab does not want to make it appear that the Gripen would be a simpler plan. Griffin sold after all in as a full fledged fighter to compete with other competitors completely.
However it takes a lot of work in the development of the Gripen E which can be useful when the new training aircraft to be developed. Meanwhile, Boeing, which is both a manufacturer of large commercial aircraft and fighter aircraft Gripen huey chopper rival the F-18 Super Hornet, a lot of expertise that will be used in the project.
One of Saab's large scale, as the company continually emphasizes, is that the company managed to break the cost curve. New generations of fighter aircraft tend to be significantly more expensive than their predecessors while the Gripen actually becomes huey chopper cheaper generation to generation.
Given the large cutbacks implemented for the American military, it is likely an argument that carries weight when the Air Force decides. Currently, it is unclear when it will happen and it is only spoken huey chopper loosely huey chopper about the Air Force decides new training aircraft in 2016 or 2017th
Already in the beginning of autumn came the reports that Saab had discussions with Boeing to jointly develop a training aircraft. huey chopper The companies did not then confirm details. It does so only now after Saab CEO Håkan buskhe signed an agreement on cooperation with Boeing's huey chopper business area for military huey chopper aircraft.
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