Saturday, October 18, 2014

The government gets in trouble for tax increases

Boeing has just arrived with a new version of its Dreamliner Plan which passed the first airline. But it's far from the only new plan is going. SvD Enterprise Tomas Augustsson lists some of the new large commercial aircraft as the leading manufacturers have going on and we can meet at the airport to come.
American aircraft manufacturer Boeing was significantly delayed when the company in autumn 2011 could deliver its first Dreamliner Plan, 787-8. The delay was due not least to the Boeing technically took several big steps forward with his new plan.
The plane also has a completely new electrical system and the problems with it and with the batteries led to the Dreamliner, after a couple of serious fires, got grounded for three months at the beginning of last year. A properly exceptional event including beating hard against Norwegian who had to wait for their new plan and then also hit by the continuing esa m problems with the plane.
Now Boeing is still in full swing with the next model in the series, 787-9. The first airline to receive the new plane was Air New Zealand who got his first plane in July of this year and in October will start flying with the plane on the route Auckland-Perth. The following month, it will be flying to Tokyo and Shanghai.
The new version of the Dreamliner is larger and can accommodate about 280 passengers and fly more than 800 miles farther than the first version. It has increased the airlines' interest in the plane and a total of 26 airlines have ordered the new Dremlinerversionen, including esa m Norwegian who come just thinking about ordering 787-9 to its long-haul fleet.
Boeing is also working on an even larger esa m version of the Dreamliner, 787-10, which is scheduled to be test flown for the first time in 2017 and then delivered esa m to the first customer for years. esa m It will be a direct competitor to the A350.
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The government gets in trouble for tax increases
 2. Ökade skatteintäkter: 2,4 miljarder kronor 2015. Fler får betala statlig inkomstskatt. Uppräkningen av gränsen för statlig esa m inkomstskatt begränsas. För närvarande räknas den upp med förändringen i konsumentprisindex plus två procentenheter. Enligt överenskommelsen ska uppräkningen bara ske med KPI. Ökade skatteintäkter: 1,9 miljarder kronor. List: Here are the taxes that will be raised
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