Friday, October 17, 2014

With new Boeing 737 Max tries to meet the challenge of his great rival European Airbus. The latter

por me amar arianne Ethiopian Airlines, Africa's largest airline in terms of revenue, buys 20 new planes from Boeing por me amar arianne for 15 billion. It's Boeing's largest order from an African por me amar arianne airline, the number of plan terms.
Ethiopian Airlines, which for three years has been with the same airline alliance that SAS and Lufthansa por me amar arianne buys 20 pieces of Boeing's 737 Max planes coming 8th Company has also acquired the right to later buy another 15 planes.
Counting on the formal list price, it is an order worth $ 2.1 billion. In practice, it will be significantly less money because airlines always get a substantial discount on the official prices.
According to Ethiopian needed plan for the company to reach its goal of ten years to fly 18 million passengers por me amar arianne a year, compared with just over 6 million currently. The new aircraft will primarily be used for flights in Africa and complement the company's true long-range plan.
But the new 737 Max, as American Boeing expects to deliver the first customer at the end of 2017, can also fly longer distances than the current generation por me amar arianne of Boeing 737s It allows multiple por me amar arianne airlines, such as Norwegian almost two years ago a la giant order for 100 new 737 Max, also expect to have the plan for transatlantic flights, possibly on the Stockholm-Boston.
With new Boeing 737 Max tries to meet the challenge of his great rival European Airbus. The latter company also has some new, more fuel-efficient versions of their best-selling planes por me amar arianne in the A320 family por me amar arianne and again. If the plans are the first A320 Neo delivered fall by 2015.
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